Gender and Interaction: Real and Virtual women in a male world Date: May 23, 2006 AVI 2006 (23-26 May, 2006 - Venice, Italy) Some of the larger questions we hope to address during the workshop are:
- What is the current status of the digital divide in computer adoption and usage between males and females? - How do different interface metaphors (embodied conversational characters, windows, desktops) affect gender related differences? - What is the effect of gender on the perception and usage of educational software? - Does gender affect navigational knowledge and strategies (e.g. in VR or Web-browsing)? - Does gender affect the acquisition of sensory-motor tasks in the use of multi-modal interfaces? - Should machines (embodied characters and robots) have gender? How should 'artificial'gender be designed and how would it affect the interaction? - Do sex-role stereotypes apply to embodied characters? - Does gender affect the way human empathize with embodied characters and robots?
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