IEEE-ICRA 2007 Update
from IEEE-RAS news
(2006-12-12 5:00)
All roads lead to Rome April 10 - 14 for the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation ! The deadline for submission of final accepted papers is January 31 . Registration will be open soon. Be sure to make your travel and accommodation reservations very soon since this is a busy season for tourists and pilgrims. ICRA Call for Participation .
N Viswanadham Appointed IEEE T-ASE Editor-in-Chief Elect
from IEEE-RAS news
(2006-11-25 5:00)
N Viswanadham of the Indian School of Business has been appointed Editor-in-Chief-Elect of the IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering. As EIC-Elect Prof. Viswanadham will work with current EIC Peter Luh during2007 to ensure a smooth transition when Prof Viswanadham begins his 5-yearterm as EIC in January 2008.
Requicha to Head IEEE T-Nanotechnology
from IEEE-RAS news
(2006-11-14 5:00)
Ari Requicha will become Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology effective January 1, 2007."My most important and immediate action will be to establish a new type of manuscript,called a Research Letter, which will be limited to 3 pages and published very rapidly, typically within4-6 weeks of submission," Requicha said." As nanotechnlogy is evolving swiftly, timely publication is essential to ensure that authors will submit their best work to the journal."Requicha is the Gordon Marshall Professor of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering at the University of Southern California, where he also directs the Laboratory for Molecular Robotics (LMR). Requicha is a longtime member of the Robotics and Automation Society and is a Co-Chair of the RAS Technical Committee on Micro and Nano Robotics. He is a Life Fellow of the IEEE and was cited by Thomson Institution of Scientific Information (ISI) as "one of the worldwide 282 Computer Scientists listed in the IS ...
IEEE Robotics&Automation Field Award Nominations
from IEEE-RAS news
(2006-11-1 5:00)
Nominations for the 6th IEEE Robotics & Automation Technical Field Award are due at the IEEE by January 31, 2007.The award is presented for contributions in the field of robotics and automation. It can be presented to an individual or team of up to three in number.It includes but is not limited to: Manufacturing automation, Robotics and Automation in Unstructured Environments, Sensor Design, Integration and Fusion, Robot Design, Modeling, Planning and Control, Methodologies for Robotics and Automation.The IEEE Robotics & Automation Award was established in 2002. As an IEEE Institute Level Award, it is administered by the Technical Field Awards Council of the IEEE Awards Board.In the evaluation process, the following criteria are considered: manufacturing automation, robotics and automation in unstructured environments, sensor design, integration and fusion, robot design, modeling, planning and control, methodologies for robotics and automation, and the quality of the nomination.Th ...
RAS 2006 AdComElections
from IEEE-RAS news
(2006-9-28 5:00)
RAS members will soon be receiving their ballots to elect six members to the RAS Admnistrative Committee. The slate of candidates to serve a three year term beginnin in January 2007 includes: Asama, Hajime Chatila, Raja Dillmann, Ruediger Fu, Li-Chen Fukuda, Toshio Henderson, Thomas Kumar, Vijay Laumond, Jean-Paul Orin, David Siegwart, Roland Snyder, Wes Wang, Michael For the bios and statements of the candidates, download report
from IEEE-RAS news
(2006-8-15 5:00)
Submission for the 2nd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction are due August 31
[開催報告] 近畿支部・忘年会
from 生化学若手の会
近畿支部 開催 冬のセミナー
【会場】大阪大学 生命機能研究科 生命システム棟 2F セミナー室・ラウンジ
【内容】講演会 & 研究交流会
講演会では、大阪大学 免疫学フロンティア研究センター 岸本忠三先生をお招きします!
来年も皆様のご参加をお待ちしております ...
[開催報告] 北陸支部・冬の研究交流会
from 生化学若手の会
生化学若い研究者の会 北陸支部スタッフの大山智広です。
現在北陸支部は20名程度で、このように定期的な支部員同士の交流会を行い、情報共有や親交を深めています。もし北陸地方(新潟、富山、石川、福井)で生命科学に興味のある方(研究分野問いません ...
[開催報告] 関東支部主催 秋冬のセミナー
from 生化学若手の会
生化学若い研究者の会 関東支部スタッフの一井 佑太です。
11月24日に、幅広い分野の交流を目的として、これまでのセミナーとは趣向変えて7若手合同で「関東支部主催 秋冬のセミナー」を開催しました。なお今セミナーでは、順天堂大学からのご厚意を賜り、大学キャンパス(お茶の水)内での開催となりました。
今回のセミナーでは、専門分 ...
[開催報告] 第97回日本生化学会大会 ランチョンワークショップ&生化学若い研究者の会 大懇親会
from 生化学若手の会
同日夜には「生化学若い研究者の会 大懇親会」を開催しました。