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[ニュース] 東京テクノロジーコミュニケーション専門学校、ロボットクリエイター育成コースを開講 from Robot Watch (2007-2-6 16:32) |
[ニュース] 堺市原山台東小学校でロボットスクールを実施 from Robot Watch (2007-2-6 14:57) |
海外へ日本アニメ配信 インデックス、携帯向けで世界初 from フジサンケイ ビジネスアイ - 総合ニュース (2007-2-6 9:42) |
宮崎人気、そのまんま東京で 新宿の物産店、売り上げ2割増 from フジサンケイ ビジネスアイ - 総合ニュース (2007-2-6 9:42) |
好きな曲でコースター USJが新アトラクション from フジサンケイ ビジネスアイ - 総合ニュース (2007-2-6 9:42) |
Budget cuts may delay shuttle replacement from New Scientist - Latest Headlines (2007-2-6 8:59) |
NASA may not be able to launch the space shuttle's replacement by 2014 as promised, forcing the agency to depend on other countries and private firms to service the International Space Station
Male-killer makes female butterflies promiscuous from New Scientist - Latest Headlines (2007-2-6 2:50) |
Female butterflies become four times more sexually active in the presence of Wolbachia bacteria, which leaves colonies with precious few males
Invention: Covert iris scanner from New Scientist - Latest Headlines (2007-2-6 1:27) |
This week's patent applications include a device that scans irises without anyone realising, and lasers that paint warnings on the road ahead
[ニュース] インダストリアルデザイン展「多彩なロボットたち」開催中 from Robot Watch (2007-2-6 0:39) |
Surveillance failure as bird flu hits UK farm? from New Scientist - Latest Headlines (2007-2-5 22:47) |
It is the first outbreak to hit UK poultry, causing the cull of 160,000 birds, as surveillance again apparently fails to detect virus in wild birds