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RSS/ATOM 記事 (66057)

ここに表示されている RSS/ATOM 記事を RSS と ATOM で配信しています。

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'Drag and drop' interface simplifies laser microscopy  from New Scientist - Latest Headlines  (2007-3-7 2:53) 
The new device allows even non-experts manipulate microscopic objects easily, through an intuitive computer interface
[ニュース] 「ロボット&サイエンス@TEPIA」展が開催  from Robot Watch  (2007-3-7 1:51) 

People see pets through rose-tinted glasses  from New Scientist - Latest Headlines  (2007-3-6 22:25) 
We always knew it but now it's official. People even become defensive on behalf of a triangle if they are told it "belongs" to them
'Chastity belts' block rival sperm in female spiders  from New Scientist - Latest Headlines  (2007-3-6 21:12) 
Male spiders leave behind part of their genitalia after sex, but not just to enable a swift escape from their predatory partners
Epileptic seizures sparked by tooth brushing  from New Scientist - Latest Headlines  (2007-3-6 18:00) 
It is a rare phenomenon, but new research reveals tooth brushing can induce seizures, perhaps through the rhythmic arm action
シティが日興にTOB 子会社化で合意  from フジサンケイ ビジネスアイ - 総合ニュース  (2007-3-6 14:49) 

オリコ、4579億円の大幅赤字  from フジサンケイ ビジネスアイ - 総合ニュース  (2007-3-6 14:49) 

昨年10〜12月期 設備投資16.8%増 過去最高の伸び  from フジサンケイ ビジネスアイ - 総合ニュース  (2007-3-6 10:48) 

Sea squirt fragment regenerates entire body  from New Scientist - Latest Headlines  (2007-3-6 10:00) 
Salamanders have a cool trick if they lose their tail?they simply grow a new one?but just look at what the humble sea squirt can do
「携帯」イノベーション加速 富士通が「ワンセグ」新技術  from フジサンケイ ビジネスアイ - 総合ニュース  (2007-3-6 8:48) 

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