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Head researchers turn their attention to beer from New Scientist - Latest Headlines (2007-4-26 2:00) |
Brewers should get a new level of control over their beer heads thanks to the mathematics of bubbles
[コラム] 京商「MANOI AT01」キットレビュー from Robot Watch (2007-4-26 0:57) |
Urban birds sing at night to be heard from New Scientist - Latest Headlines (2007-4-26 0:08) |
The iconic British robin is being forced to sing at night in urban areas, probably because daytime traffic noise is drowning out his mating serenades
'Arctic hippo' hints at a once-balmy North Pole from New Scientist - Latest Headlines (2007-4-25 21:51) |
Fossil evidence of a hippopotamus-like creature found on an Arctic island hints at a once-balmy climate, "rather like Florida"
Smarter people are no better off from New Scientist - Latest Headlines (2007-4-25 20:16) |
Contrary to common expectation, intelligence does not always predict financial wellbeing, and neither does it protect people from financial difficulty
[ニュース] 福岡市・ロボスクエアで「KIYOMORI」展示中 from Robot Watch (2007-4-25 15:58) |
[ニュース] フリースケールの68K/ColdFireアプリ競技会、表彰作品が決定 from Robot Watch (2007-4-25 14:40) |
今期業績「影響残る」 日興、法人客離れ鮮明 from フジサンケイ ビジネスアイ - 総合ニュース (2007-4-25 8:40) |
シティ、日興へのTOB あす期限 外資とギリギリ攻防 from フジサンケイ ビジネスアイ - 総合ニュース (2007-4-25 8:40) |
1−3月、トヨタ世界一 06年度世界生産は900万台超 from フジサンケイ ビジネスアイ - 総合ニュース (2007-4-25 8:40) |