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RSS/ATOM 記事 (66102)

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Vibrating mice may hold obesity clue  from New Scientist - Latest Headlines  (2007-10-24 1:04) 
Time spent on a vibrating platform may reduce the rate at which fat cells develop in mice, but some experts are sceptical of the findings
Shuttle launches with new space station module  from New Scientist - Latest Headlines  (2007-10-24 0:47) 
The shuttle Discovery lifts off carrying a connection hub for the space station?the first expansion to the station's living space since 2001
[ニュース] 国内外の危機管理に関する製品・技術・サービスが集結!〜「危機管理産業展2007」レポート  from Robot Watch  (2007-10-24 0:04) 

Victorian chemistry boosts atom-scale electronics  from New Scientist - Latest Headlines  (2007-10-23 23:27) 
A compound first created 150 years ago is integral to a new, more efficient process for making atom-thick sheets of carbon for use in electronics
Telltale gas confirms Korean nuclear test  from New Scientist - Latest Headlines  (2007-10-23 23:01) 
Unusually high levels of a xenon isotope in the atmosphere back up seismic evidence of North Korea's 2006 nuclear explosion
Could quantum effects explain consciousness?  from New Scientist - Latest Headlines  (2007-10-23 20:57) 
Quantum mechanics could underpin conscious experience in the brain?and explain why dreams are dream-like
Blind people tap unused brain to hear better  from New Scientist - Latest Headlines  (2007-10-23 18:38) 
People who lose their vision early in life can enhance other senses by taking over parts of the brain normally used for seeing
[ニュース] 淡路島にて「ITあわじ会議」を11月1日に開催、参加者募集中  from Robot Watch  (2007-10-23 15:43) 

[ニュース] 姫路科学館「二足歩行ロボット教室」を開催〜第5回姫路ロボチャレンジ 2007 冬の陣 開催決定  from Robot Watch  (2007-10-23 15:31) 

[ニュース] 日本SGI、セグウェイをベースとした自律型インテリジェントロボットの開発を開始〜東北大学、IR  from Robot Watch  (2007-10-23 15:19) 

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