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AD: 富士通◆インテル デュアルコア搭載ノートPCが、〓141,800円〓! from フジサンケイ ビジネスアイ - 総合ニュース (2008-5-1 12:07) |
高速処理のインテル デュアルコアCPUを選択可能!最新の15.4型ワイドノートパソコンが、なんと、〓59,980円(税込)〓から! business.fujitsu-webmart.com Ads by Pheedo
東西私鉄で料金過収受 92の事業者調査へ from フジサンケイ ビジネスアイ - 総合ニュース (2008-5-1 12:07) |
地球と共存訴え TDKが新CM from フジサンケイ ビジネスアイ - 総合ニュース (2008-5-1 10:07) |
失業率10年ぶり3%台 07年度0・3ポイント低下 下期は小幅改善 from フジサンケイ ビジネスアイ - 総合ニュース (2008-5-1 10:07) |
Engineers find 'missing link' of electronics from New Scientist - Latest Headlines (2008-5-1 2:00) |
A device called a "memristor" that was predicted in 1971 could provide new kinds of computer memory or electronics that work like brain cells
Birds can 'see' the Earth's magnetic field from New Scientist - Latest Headlines (2008-5-1 2:00) |
A chemical found in birds' retinas could help them detect magnetic fields and explain the mystery of migration
Saturn storm is longest ever seen from New Scientist - Latest Headlines (2008-5-1 1:58) |
A powerful, five-month-long storm continues to rage on Saturn, making it the planet's longest continuously observed tempest
London congestion charge did not improve air quality from New Scientist - Latest Headlines (2008-4-30 23:45) |
The policy of charging drivers to enter London city centre has cut traffic, but air quality has changed little, with some pollutants actually rising
Gene discoveries could crack bone disease from New Scientist - Latest Headlines (2008-4-30 23:30) |
Mutations linked to osteoporosis have been conclusively identified, raising the possibility of screening programmes
Meerkats attend scorpion-hunting kindergarten from New Scientist - Latest Headlines (2008-4-30 22:46) |
The social mammals teach pups how to forage for dangerous prey, challenging the idea that teaching is built on intelligence