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石油元売り 家庭菜園に商機 農薬・肥料、団塊世代ターゲット  from フジサンケイ ビジネスアイ - 総合ニュース  (2008-5-24 7:37) 

AD: 企業サイトのリッチ化応援ポータル‐J-Stream  from フジサンケイ ビジネスアイ - 総合ニュース  (2008-5-24 7:37) 
ネット動画やFlashを活用したWeb、ケータイの最新トレンドを毎日お届け richcontent.jp Ads by Pheedo
日銀総裁、中立姿勢を強調 インフレ監視を強化  from フジサンケイ ビジネスアイ - 総合ニュース  (2008-5-24 7:37) 

四川大地震 「阪神」の経験生かせ 被災のコベルコ建機専務、成都市に重機支援   from フジサンケイ ビジネスアイ - 総合ニュース  (2008-5-24 7:37) 

Phoenix Mars lander braces for its date with destiny  from New Scientist - Latest Headlines  (2008-5-24 5:24) 
The difference between failure and success for the mission could come down to the final seconds of its approach to the Martian surface
Dark energy 'imaged' in best detail yet  from New Scientist - Latest Headlines  (2008-5-24 3:40) 
The mysterious cosmic force should leave an imprint on the big bang's afterglow?astronomers think they've seen it in the best detail yet
Tracking desert dust could help hurricane prediction  from New Scientist - Latest Headlines  (2008-5-24 2:26) 
Saharan dust blown over the North Atlantic reflects solar radiation back out into space, thereby cooling the ocean surface and perhaps contributing to the formation of hurricanes
Burma's recovery could be hampered by salt  from New Scientist - Latest Headlines  (2008-5-24 1:00) 
Aid agencies are finally allowed into Burma, but with just weeks before the rice-planting season, farmland is still tainted by salt left during the storm
Do other star systems need protection from Earth life?  from New Scientist - Latest Headlines  (2008-5-24 0:34) 
It's not too soon to start thinking about how to keep extrasolar planets free of terrestrial life, a new paper argues
Interview: Music of the hemispheres  from New Scientist - Latest Headlines  (2008-5-24 0:05) 
A catchy song stuck in your head can be irritating, but psychiatristtreats people with "musical hallucinosis", a condition that means they frequently hear loud music that isn't there

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