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RSS/ATOM 記事 (66218)

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Invention: Drug-delivering contact lenses  from New Scientist - Latest Headlines  (2008-9-15 21:18) 
Soft lenses that store and slowly release large doses of drugs could provide an easy alternative to eye drops, says a new patent
Nuclear reactor shutdown hits hospital waiting lists  from New Scientist - Latest Headlines  (2008-9-15 20:20) 
Supplies of an important medical isotope are expected to dry up for the next month, delaying routine scans of hearts, bones and lymph nodes
Texas picks up the pieces left by Hurricane Ike  from New Scientist - Latest Headlines  (2008-9-15 19:33) 
Houston is under a dusk-to-dawn curfew and a huge relief effort is in progress as the storm-ravaged state tries to get back to business
Should Naples fear a big bang from Vesuvius?  from New Scientist - Latest Headlines  (2008-9-15 18:18) 
Crystals reveal that the Italian volcano's magma chamber has climbed closer to the surface over many millennia
Did evolution come before life?  from New Scientist - Latest Headlines  (2008-9-15 16:00) 
A crude form of natural selection may have primed the primordial soup for life, as interacting molecules formed ever better chemical replicators
Dark matter 'bridge to nowhere' found in cosmic void  from New Scientist - Latest Headlines  (2008-9-15 13:00) 
Galaxies seem to be lined up along a bridge of dark matter inside a nearby void?the bridge may be triggering a stellar baby boom
デスクトップ型PC ソニー、開発打ち切り 一体型に完全シフト  from フジサンケイ ビジネスアイ - 総合ニュース  (2008-9-15 7:52) 

カーボン・オフセット加速 年賀はがきやホテル宿泊  from フジサンケイ ビジネスアイ - 総合ニュース  (2008-9-15 7:52) 

AD: プレミアムなサービスのあるフィットネス/スマートスポーツ  from フジサンケイ ビジネスアイ - 総合ニュース  (2008-9-15 7:52) 
マシーンはもちろん、魅力的なサービスで人気のフィットネスジム。そんな話題沸騰のフィットネスジムの情報を紹介しています。 www.smartsports.jp/special_data.php Ads by Pheedo
アジア株、総崩れ 指数軒並み20%超マイナス  from フジサンケイ ビジネスアイ - 総合ニュース  (2008-9-15 7:52) 

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