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RSS/ATOM 記事 (66279)

ここに表示されている RSS/ATOM 記事を RSS と ATOM で配信しています。

rss  atom 

Laser trick churns out safely random numbers  from New Scientist - Online News  (2008-11-24 3:00) 
Neither rolled dice nor software can generate random numbers fast or secure enough for crack-proof encryption, but laser feedback could keep our secrets safe
Celebrity 'blindness' down to brain wiring  from New Scientist - Online News  (2008-11-24 3:00) 
People who can't remember faces of famous people or even loved ones lack connections in a key brain area, new research shows
Laser trick churns out secure random numbers  from New Scientist - Online News  (2008-11-24 3:00) 
Neither rolled dice nor software can generate random numbers fast or secure enough for crack-proof encryption, but laser feedback could keep our secrets safe
Cellphone clusters give traffic jams away  from New Scientist - Online News  (2008-11-23 0:00) 
Mapping GPS data from mobile phones carried by vehicle occupants can help road users avoid congested areas
Remains of devoured planet discovered  from New Scientist - Online News  (2008-11-22 23:00) 
The dusty remains of a distant planet show what happens to a gas giant if it survives a red giant explosion
Bush to go out with a green bang?  from New Scientist - Online News  (2008-11-22 21:00) 
One of the George W Bush's final acts as US president could be to create the largest marine conservation area in the world
「夢の素材」追い風待つ 炭素繊維、東レなど増産延期  from フジサンケイ ビジネスアイ - 総合ニュース  (2008-11-22 8:47) 

AD: Fuji Sankei! 読者アンケート「RSSの利用状況について」  from フジサンケイ ビジネスアイ - 総合ニュース  (2008-11-22 8:47) 
フジサンケイビジネスアイRSSフィードをご覧の方へ、「ロイター発世界は今日もヘンだった」(産経デジタル編)が当たるアンケートを実施中!【11/28(金)まで受付】   Ads by Pheedo
「非正規」削減、1万人超す トヨタなど自動車業界、減産余波  from フジサンケイ ビジネスアイ - 総合ニュース  (2008-11-22 8:47) 

景気判断 2カ月連続下方修正  from フジサンケイ ビジネスアイ - 総合ニュース  (2008-11-22 8:47) 

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