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RSS/ATOM 記事 (66279)

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How do we know the LHC really is safe?  from New Scientist - Online News  (2009-1-28 0:12) 
Theory says the Earth is secure from black holes created by the Large Hadron Collider– but what if theory is wrong?
Mars plane could be ideal methane 'sniffer dog'  from New Scientist - Online News  (2009-1-27 23:27) 
NASA is working on the design of a craft to take to the skies of Mars and track recently discovered methane plumes that may indicate life
Human emissions could bring 'irreversible' climate chaos  from New Scientist - Online News  (2009-1-27 22:07) 
Even if we reduce human output of carbon dioxide to zero, the planet could take over 1000 years to recover, say researchers
Truck-mounted laser shoots down spy drone  from New Scientist - Online News  (2009-1-27 20:46) 
The days of battlefields criss-crossed by laser beams may not be far away– a portable laser has proved able to track and destroy a small uncrewed aircraft
Melting ice could push penguins to extinction  from New Scientist - Online News  (2009-1-27 19:38) 
Antarctica's emperor penguins are in danger of becoming extinct by 2100 if we continue "business as usual" CO emissions, say researchers
Magnetic 'fossils' may come from big bang  from New Scientist - Online News  (2009-1-27 19:34) 
The discovery of primordial magnetic fields around small, young stars in the Milky Way boosts the case that fields existed just after the big bang
[ニュース] クラフトハウス、「メリッサ」用の平行リンク脚セット「マーキュリー」を発売  from Robot Watch  (2009-1-27 18:40) 

[ニュース] ヴイストン、「VS-WRC003」のオプションパーツ4製品を発売  from Robot Watch  (2009-1-27 15:39) 

[ニュース] 東大・河口洋一郎研「表現科学 知のサバイバル」展が開催中〜将来のロボットは奇妙な生物型?  from Robot Watch  (2009-1-27 11:43) 

厳冬に縮こまる企業決算 09年3月期 経常減益30%超  from フジサンケイ ビジネスアイ - 総合ニュース  (2009-1-27 8:25) 

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