Creativity chemical favours the smart
from New Scientist - Online News
(2009-5-20 23:10)
High levels of a chemical that seems to increase creativity in really intelligent people has the opposite effect in those of average intellectimg width='1' height='1' src='' border='0'/div class='mf-viral'table border='0'trtd valign='middle'a href=" chemical favours the smartlink=" target="_blank"img src="" border="0" //a/tdtd valign='middle'a href=" chemical favours the smartlink=" target="_blank"img src="" border="0" //a/td/tr/table/divbr/br/a href="http://da.fee ...
Mystery of frost flower growth explained
from New Scientist - Online News
(2009-5-20 21:23)
The fern-like structures that bloom on sea ice form when it's cold, still and dry? the finding may affect ice core analysis of past climatesimg width='1' height='1' src='' border='0'/div class='mf-viral'table border='0'trtd valign='middle'a href=" of frost flower growth explainedlink=" target="_blank"img src="" border="0" //a/tdtd valign='middle'a href=" of frost flower growth explainedlink=" target="_blank"img src="" border="0" //a/td/tr/table/divbr/br/a href=""img src="" border= ...
[ニュース] Willow Garage、東大にてロボット研究用ソフトウェアセミナーを開催
from Robot Watch
(2009-5-20 21:01)
Review: Stephen Jay Gould and the Politics of Evolution
from New Scientist - Online News
(2009-5-20 19:00)
For Gould, a gifted science communicator, nearly every scientific issue had political ramifications, argues David F. Prindleimg width='1' height='1' src='' border='0'/div class='mf-viral'table border='0'trtd valign='middle'a href=" Stephen Jay Gould and the Politics of Evolutionlink=" target="_blank"img src="" border="0" //a/tdtd valign='middle'a href=" Stephen Jay Gould and the Politics of Evolutionlink=" target="_blank"img src="" borde ...
From diamond seeds do nanotube forests grow
from New Scientist - Online News
(2009-5-20 18:58)
Carbon nanotubes can be grown efficiently out of a scattering of microscopic diamonds, avoiding the need for metal catalystsimg width='1' height='1' src='' border='0'/div class='mf-viral'table border='0'trtd valign='middle'a href=" diamond seeds do nanotube forests growlink=" target="_blank"img src="" border="0" //a/tdtd valign='middle'a href=" diamond seeds do nanotube forests growlink=" target="_blank"img src="" border="0" //a/td/tr/table/divbr/br/a href="http:// ...
Soccerbots learn how to fall gracefully
from New Scientist - Online News
(2009-5-20 18:29)
Taking a deliberate tumble might earn you a yellow card on the soccer pitch, but falling over safely is an essential skill for all soccer players, both human and humanoidimg width='1' height='1' src='' border='0'/div class='mf-viral'table border='0'trtd valign='middle'a href=" learn how to fall gracefullylink=" target="_blank"img src="" border="0" //a/tdtd valign='middle'a href=" learn how to fall gracefullylink=" target="_blank"img src="" border="0" //a/td/tr/table/divbr/br/a href=""img src=" ...
[ニュース] 日本ロボット学会、第51回シンポジウム「ロボットの作り方2009」を6月に開催〜参加者が製作した
from Robot Watch
(2009-5-20 15:30)
Sonic alarm saves marine mammals from ship strike
from New Scientist - Online News
(2009-5-20 15:00)
A new sonic alarm could keep whales and manatees out of a quiet zone in the path of approaching ships, say its inventorsimg width='1' height='1' src='' border='0'/div class='mf-viral'table border='0'trtd valign='middle'a href=" alarm saves marine mammals from ship strikelink=" target="_blank"img src="" border="0" //a/tdtd valign='middle'a href=" alarm saves marine mammals from ship strikelink=" target="_blank"img src="" border="0" //a/td/tr/table/divbr/br/a href=""img src="" border="0"//a
AD: ≪住友信託100%出資≫不動産担保ローンのファーストクレジット
from フジサンケイ ビジネスアイ - 総合ニュース
(2009-5-20 7:04)
Ads by Pheedo
三菱UFJ巨額赤字 遠のく野村 証券戦略、岐路に
from フジサンケイ ビジネスアイ - 総合ニュース
(2009-5-20 7:04)
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