GM破綻 日本のGDP 0.02%押し下げ?
from フジサンケイ ビジネスアイ - 総合ニュース
(2009-6-2 8:31)
br clear=bothstyle=clear: both;/img alt=style=border: 0;border=0src=
Gallery: The final mission to repair Hubble
from New Scientist - Online News
(2009-6-2 6:00)
The space shuttle Atlantis is on its way back to its home base in Florida after a historic trip to repair the Hubble Space Telescopendash; see the best images from the 13-day missionimg width='1' height='1' src='' border='0'/div class='mf-viral'table border='0'trtd valign='middle'a href=" The final mission to repair Hubblelink=" target="_blank"img src="" border="0" //a/tdtd valign='middle'a href=" The final mission to repair Hubblelink=" target="_blank"img src="" border="0 ...
Were our earliest hominid ancestors European?
from New Scientist - Online News
(2009-6-2 6:00)
A 12-million-year-old fossil from Spain suggests that hominids migrated into Africa before the evolution of modern humansimg width='1' height='1' src='' border='0'/div class='mf-viral'table border='0'trtd valign='middle'a href=" our earliest hominid ancestors European?link=" target="_blank"img src="" border="0" //a/tdtd valign='middle'a href=" our earliest hominid ancestors European?link=" target="_blank"img src="" border="0" //a/td/tr/table/divbr/br/a href="http://da.feedspor ...
TV-watching tots miss out on vital chat
from New Scientist - Online News
(2009-6-2 5:00)
Buying some time to do the chores by sticking infants in front of the television may be harming their cognitive development, researchers sayimg width='1' height='1' src='' border='0'/div class='mf-viral'table border='0'trtd valign='middle'a href=" tots miss out on vital chatlink=" target="_blank"img src="" border="0" //a/tdtd valign='middle'a href=" tots miss out on vital chatlink=" target="_blank"img src="" border="0" //a/td/tr/table/divbr/br/a href="http://da.feedsportal.c ...
Rules of high seas could lead to Arctic 'pole of peace'
from New Scientist - Online News
(2009-6-2 2:31)
Individual countries have begun staking claims over the parts of the Arcticndash; but under marine law, a large chunk of it is effectively beyond national controlimg width='1' height='1' src='' border='0'/div class='mf-viral'table border='0'trtd valign='middle'a href=" of high seas could lead to Arctic 'pole of peace'link=" target="_blank"img src="" border="0" //a/tdtd valign='middle'a href=" of high seas could lead to Arctic 'pole of peace'link=" target="_blank"img src="" border="0" //a/td/tr/table/divbr/br/a href=""img src=" ...
Instant sex change served up by video software
from New Scientist - Online News
(2009-6-2 2:27)
Video conferences could become more interesting with software that can instantly alter a person's sex or raceimg width='1' height='1' src='' border='0'/div class='mf-viral'table border='0'trtd valign='middle'a href=" sex change served up by video softwarelink=" target="_blank"img src="" border="0" //a/tdtd valign='middle'a href=" sex change served up by video softwarelink=" target="_blank"img src="" border="0" //a/td/tr/table/divbr/br/a href=" ...
Why is the Earth moving away from the sun?
from New Scientist - Online News
(2009-6-2 2:22)
Every year, the Earth and sun move 15 centimetres farther apartndash; the culprit may be small tides raised on the sun by our home planetimg width='1' height='1' src='' border='0'/div class='mf-viral'table border='0'trtd valign='middle'a href=" is the Earth moving away from the sun?link=" target="_blank"img src="" border="0" //a/tdtd valign='middle'a href=" is the Earth moving away from the sun?link=" target="_blank"img src="" border="0" //a/td/tr/table/divbr/br/a href="http://da.feed ...
[ニュース] 「ロボカップジャパンオープン2009大阪」レポート【2】〜国際協調力がある未来の技術者を育てる
from Robot Watch
(2009-6-2 0:00)
Oak barrels leave geographical signature in wine
from New Scientist - Online News
(2009-6-1 23:11)
Connoisseurs can now amaze their fellow wine lovers by deducing the very forest that nurtured the wood that built the barrel in which a particular vintage was agedimg width='1' height='1' src='' border='0'/div class='mf-viral'table border='0'trtd valign='middle'a href=" barrels leave geographical signature in winelink=" target="_blank"img src="" border="0" //a/tdtd valign='middle'a href=" barrels leave geographical signature in winelink=" target="_blank"img src=" ...
Robot farmhands prepare to invade the countryside
from New Scientist - Online News
(2009-6-1 21:25)
They have long ruled supreme on the factory floor, now robots that can keep an eye on farmers' crops and livestock promise to make agriculture greener and more efficientimg width='1' height='1' src='' border='0'/div class='mf-viral'table border='0'trtd valign='middle'a href=" farmhands prepare to invade the countrysidelink=" target="_blank"img src="" border="0" //a/tdtd valign='middle'a href=" farmhands prepare to invade the countrysidelink=" target="_blank"img src="" border="0" //a/td/tr/table/divbr/br/a href=""img src=" ...