Satellites spot new penguin colonies by their poo
from New Scientist - Online News
(2009-6-2 20:51)
The birds themselves are too small to spot from space, but tell-tale patches of guano left by emperor penguins have revealed previously unknown coloniesimg width='1' height='1' src='' border='0'/div class='mf-viral'table border='0'trtd valign='middle'a href=" spot new penguin colonies by their poolink=" target="_blank"img src="" border="0" //a/tdtd valign='middle'a href=" spot new penguin colonies by their poolink=" target="_blank"img src="" border="0" // ...
Now you see it: Best visual illusions of 2009
from New Scientist - Online News
(2009-6-2 20:46)
The Visual Illusion of the Year contest features dozens of illusions. See some of this year's best entriesimg width='1' height='1' src='' border='0'/div class='mf-viral'table border='0'trtd valign='middle'a href=" you see it: Best visual illusions of 2009link=" target="_blank"img src="" border="0" //a/tdtd valign='middle'a href=" you see it: Best visual illusions of 2009link=" target="_blank"img src="" border="0" //a/td/tr/table/divbr/br/a href=""img src="http://da.fe ...
The doomed quest for the North-West Passage
from New Scientist - Online News
(2009-6-2 20:16)
The obsession with finding the North-West Passage, a short-cut from the North Atlantic to the Pacific, claimed hundreds of lives. A new exhibition tells their storiesimg width='1' height='1' src='' border='0'/div class='mf-viral'table border='0'trtd valign='middle'a href=" doomed quest for the North-West Passagelink=" target="_blank"img src="" border="0" //a/tdtd valign='middle'a href=" doomed quest for the North-West Passagelink=" target="_blank"img src="" border="0" //a/td/tr/table/divbr/br/a href=""img src="http://da.feedsp ...
Temple timbers trace collapse of Mayan culture
from New Scientist - Online News
(2009-6-2 18:51)
Timber use in an abandoned city provides first direct evidence that the Mayans ran out of wood as they overexploited the environmentimg width='1' height='1' src='' border='0'/div class='mf-viral'table border='0'trtd valign='middle'a href=" timbers trace collapse of Mayan culturelink=" target="_blank"img src="" border="0" //a/tdtd valign='middle'a href=" timbers trace collapse of Mayan culturelink=" target="_blank"img src="" border="0" //a/td/tr/table/divb ...
[¥Ë¥å¡¼¥¹] ¡Ú¤ä¤¸¤¦¤ÞRobot Watch¡Û¡Ö¥È¥é¥ó¥¹¥Õ¥©¡¼¥Þ¡¼:¥ê¥Ù¥ó¥¸¡×6·î19ÆüÀ¤³¦ºÇ®Àè¹Ô¾å±Ç·èÄê!¡Áº£ÅÙ¤
from Robot Watch
(2009-6-2 15:21)
from ¥Õ¥¸¥µ¥ó¥±¥¤¡¡¥Ó¥¸¥Í¥¹¥¢¥¤ - Áí¹ç¥Ë¥å¡¼¥¹
(2009-6-2 8:31)
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from ¥Õ¥¸¥µ¥ó¥±¥¤¡¡¥Ó¥¸¥Í¥¹¥¢¥¤ - Áí¹ç¥Ë¥å¡¼¥¹
(2009-6-2 8:31)
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from ¥Õ¥¸¥µ¥ó¥±¥¤¡¡¥Ó¥¸¥Í¥¹¥¢¥¤ - Áí¹ç¥Ë¥å¡¼¥¹
(2009-6-2 8:31)
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from ¥Õ¥¸¥µ¥ó¥±¥¤¡¡¥Ó¥¸¥Í¥¹¥¢¥¤ - Áí¹ç¥Ë¥å¡¼¥¹
(2009-6-2 8:31)
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from ¥Õ¥¸¥µ¥ó¥±¥¤¡¡¥Ó¥¸¥Í¥¹¥¢¥¤ - Áí¹ç¥Ë¥å¡¼¥¹
(2009-6-2 8:31)
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