Virtual twins could bring the end of animal research
from New Scientist - Online News
(2009-6-4 2:01)
Soon, we'll each have an alter ego on which to assess our medication regimes, says the winner of our "Beyond animal research" essay competition, organised in conjunction with NC3Rimg width='1' height='1' src='' border='0'/div class='mf-viral'table border='0'trtd valign='middle'a href=" twins could bring the end of animal researchlink=" target="_blank"img src="" border="0" //a/tdtd valign='middle'a href=" twins could bring the end of animal researchlink=" target="_blank"img src="http://r ...
How Antarctica grew its icendash; and lost its hanging gardens
from New Scientist - Online News
(2009-6-4 2:00)
The most detailed radar maps ever of the Gamburtsev mountains, which lie under 3 kilometres of Antarctic ice, show how lush forests turned into frozen wasteimg width='1' height='1' src='' border='0'/div class='mf-viral'table border='0'trtd valign='middle'a href=" Antarctica grew its icendash; and lost its hanging gardenslink=" target="_blank"img src="" border="0" //a/tdtd valign='middle'a href=" Antarctica grew its icendash; and lost its hanging gardenslink=" target="_blank"img src="http://rss.feed ...
Hybrid hearts could solve transplant shortage
from New Scientist - Online News
(2009-6-4 2:00)
Stripped-down pig tissue seeded with human cells has the potential to create a virtually limitless supply of human-compatible organsimg width='1' height='1' src='' border='0'/div class='mf-viral'table border='0'trtd valign='middle'a href=" hearts could solve transplant shortagelink=" target="_blank"img src="" border="0" //a/tdtd valign='middle'a href=" hearts could solve transplant shortagelink=" target="_blank"img src="" border="0" //a/td/tr/table/divbr/br ...
How to unleash your brain's inner genius
from New Scientist - Online News
(2009-6-4 2:00)
Savants have phenomenal talents in music, art and mathematics, but their brains are not fundamentally different from the rest of society? can we all develop similar abilities?img width='1' height='1' src='' border='0'/div class='mf-viral'table border='0'trtd valign='middle'a href=" to unleash your brain's inner geniuslink=" target="_blank"img src="" border="0" //a/tdtd valign='middle'a href=" to unleash your brain's inner geniuslink=" target="_blank"img src="" border="0" //a ...
Will summer never end in Titan's south?
from New Scientist - Online News
(2009-6-4 2:00)
Clouds are lingering in the southern hemisphere of Saturn's moon Titan much later than expected and summer is refusing to endimg width='1' height='1' src='' border='0'/div class='mf-viral'table border='0'trtd valign='middle'a href=" summer never end in Titan's south?link=" target="_blank"img src="" border="0" //a/tdtd valign='middle'a href=" summer never end in Titan's south?link=" target="_blank"img src="" border="0" //a/td/tr/table/div
Robot brain jumps bodies to do human bidding
from New Scientist - Online News
(2009-6-4 0:23)
A staff of domestic robots with a single personality would be easier to handleimg width='1' height='1' src='' border='0'/div class='mf-viral'table border='0'trtd valign='middle'a href=" brain jumps bodies to do human biddinglink=" target="_blank"img src="" border="0" //a/tdtd valign='middle'a href=" brain jumps bodies to do human biddinglink=" target="_blank"img src="" border="0" //a/td/tr/table/divbr/br/a href=" ...
Dams leave some farmers high and dry
from New Scientist - Online News
(2009-6-3 23:32)
Instead of providing a year-round water supply for all, African dams actually restrict supplies for some farmersndash; and crop yields may have sufferedimg width='1' height='1' src='' border='0'/div class='mf-viral'table border='0'trtd valign='middle'a href=" leave some farmers high and drylink=" target="_blank"img src="" border="0" //a/tdtd valign='middle'a href=" leave some farmers high and drylink=" target="_blank"img src="" border="0" //a/td/tr/table/divbr/br/a href=""img src="" bor ...
Foreign accent syndrome doesn't mean brain damage
from New Scientist - Online News
(2009-6-3 22:03)
People who sound foreign but aren't may have been born that wayimg width='1' height='1' src='' border='0'/div class='mf-viral'table border='0'trtd valign='middle'a href=" accent syndrome doesn't mean brain damagelink=" target="_blank"img src="" border="0" //a/tdtd valign='middle'a href=" accent syndrome doesn't mean brain damagelink=" target="_blank"img src="" border="0" //a/td/tr/table/divbr/br/a href=" ...
Hunks get more sex, but there's a price to pay
from New Scientist - Online News
(2009-6-3 20:26)
Beefcakes may be able to attract women by rippling their muscles, but all that He-Man brawn comes at a biological cost, finds a new studyimg width='1' height='1' src='' border='0'/div class='mf-viral'table border='0'trtd valign='middle'a href=" get more sex, but there's a price to paylink=" target="_blank"img src="" border="0" //a/tdtd valign='middle'a href=" get more sex, but there's a price to paylink=" target="_blank"img src="" border="0" //a/td/tr/table/divbr/br/a href=" ...
Artificial sun gives salad its colour back
from New Scientist - Online News
(2009-6-3 18:32)
Pale greenhouse lettuce can make even the best salads look unsavoury, but a couple of days under weak ultraviolet light brings the colour backimg width='1' height='1' src='' border='0'/div class='mf-viral'table border='0'trtd valign='middle'a href=" sun gives salad its colour backlink=" target="_blank"img src="" border="0" //a/tdtd valign='middle'a href=" sun gives salad its colour backlink=" target="_blank"img src="" border="0" //a/td/tr/table/divbr/br/a ...