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One-third of sharks at risk of extinction from New Scientist - Online News (2009-6-25 18:19) |
A third of open ocean sharks are threatened with extinction, according to the first global study to assess the conservation status of 64 species
Cool short cut could speed LHC restart from New Scientist - Online News (2009-6-25 18:12) |
A single badly soldered join undid CERN's giant atom smasher– now engineers hope they have found a quick way to check all 10,000
[ニュース] バンダイ、コミュニケーションロボット「Myドラえもん」を9月に発売〜独自の会話機能やペーパー from Robot Watch (2009-6-25 18:05) |
[ニュース] 機械で「心」を作る〜「AIの父」ミンスキー氏が早稲田大学で講演 from Robot Watch (2009-6-25 16:37) |
[ニュース] 「'09画像センシング展」レポート〜最新のマシンビジョン技術がロボットを変える! from Robot Watch (2009-6-25 16:30) |
[コラム] ノモケンの「素組でロボット」コトブキヤ「1/100 MBV-04-G テムジン(Ver.1P)」(その1)3DCGからリ from Robot Watch (2009-6-25 15:00) |
For scientists about to rock, we salute you from New Scientist - Online News (2009-6-25 7:30) |
Do you know a researcher who deserves the mantle 'Rock Star of Science'? If so, you can now make your nominations online, upload photos and explain your choice
Gluttonous black holes power ancient cosmic 'blobs' from New Scientist - Online News (2009-6-25 7:04) |
Glowing blobs of gas dotting the early universe seem to be lit by giant black holes that are devouring their surroundings, a new study suggests
Finding a fair price for free knowledge from New Scientist - Online News (2009-6-25 2:00) |
When technology makes knowledge globally available, reshaping the economics of buying and selling it becomes crucial, argues Peter Eckersley
Ice on fire: The next fossil fuel from New Scientist - Online News (2009-6-25 2:00) |
Methane trapped in sub-marine ice and permafrost could possibly fuel the world for hundreds of years– but there's an explosive snag