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US stem cell science survives concerns over consent from New Scientist - Online News (2009-7-7 23:32) |
New federal funding for stem cell science will not shut down existing research avenues that many feared would not meet ethical standards
Winning the ultimate battle: How humans could end war from New Scientist - Online News (2009-7-7 23:31) |
Is warfare really an immutable part of our nature, or is it something we can overcome? Some researchers now suspect the latter
Limited-colour screens could boost cellphone battery life from New Scientist - Online News (2009-7-7 21:07) |
Subtly tweaking the colour sets used to display images on next-generation flat-panel screens can dramatically cut the amount of energy they consume
Social security flaw leaves way open for cyber-theft from New Scientist - Online News (2009-7-7 20:40) |
If tech-savvy criminals know your date of birth, they can guess your social security number– and that gives them access to credit cards in your name
[ニュース] 富野由悠季監督が語る「ガンダム30周年」〜ニュータイプの概念から次回作のテーマまで from Robot Watch (2009-7-7 19:41) |
Chemical trap takes the sting out of white phosphorus from New Scientist - Online News (2009-7-7 17:51) |
A chemical cage that safely traps the unstable substance could help clean up industrial spills or war zones
Modified invisibility cloak could make the ultimate illusion from New Scientist - Online News (2009-7-7 17:30) |
An illusion device that makes one object look like another could one day be used to camouflage military planes or create "holes" in solid walls
[ニュース] サンリツオートメイション杯「第9回レスキューロボットコンテスト」中間審査レポート〜プレゼン from Robot Watch (2009-7-7 17:29) |
NEC 「中堅」狙い撃ち 国内営業体制 10月再編 from フジサンケイ ビジネスアイ - 総合ニュース (2009-7-7 8:10) |
AD: 魅力の金利≪5.98%〜6.98%≫プレミアムローン新登場! from フジサンケイ ビジネスアイ - 総合ニュース (2009-7-7 8:10) |
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