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Food allergies get curiouser and curiouser from New Scientist - Online News (2009-7-30 2:00) |
The more we find out about food allergies, the stranger they seem to get– yet discoveries are changing how we think about them, and how to protect people from them
[ニュース] (財)日本児童文化研究所と神奈川工科大学、共同で相澤ロボットの復元を開始 from Robot Watch (2009-7-30 0:00) |
Why dowsing makes perfect sense from New Scientist - Online News (2009-7-29 22:08) |
There's something irresistibly attractive about the supernatural– even when every fibre of our rational being kicks against it
Talking paperclip inspires less irksome virtual assistant from New Scientist - Online News (2009-7-29 20:07) |
Microsoft's "Clippy" gave software assistants a bad name, but a new helper developed by the US military hopes to be less annoying
Why children paint trees blue from New Scientist - Online News (2009-7-29 20:05) |
Children up to five years old may colour trees blue or grass red because their memories can't "bind" together the colour and shape of an object
Enigma of the 23-year-old baby from New Scientist - Online News (2009-7-29 20:04) |
In 1678 French surgeon Pierre Dionis discovered a leathery, fetus-like object in a "cabinet of curiosity"– could it have been the result of a two-decade pregnancy?
[ニュース] ALSOK、商業施設向けの自律走行型案内ロボット「An9-PR」発表〜費用は月額20万円台から、導入第 from Robot Watch (2009-7-29 18:52) |
Should you trust health advice from the web? from New Scientist - Online News (2009-7-29 17:57) |
People are increasingly turning to the internet for health advice, but experts worry about the quality of the information they are receiving
Robotic insect 'flight' may be just good vibrations from New Scientist - Online News (2009-7-29 17:00) |
Due to vibrations similar to those generated in a plucked guitar string, a robotic insect can defy gravity and "fly" up wire tethers
[ニュース] “月探査計画”がテーマのイベント「Fly me to the Moon in AKIBA」レポート〜かぐやの功績やSE from Robot Watch (2009-7-29 13:50) |