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Tide may be turning for overexploited fish stocks from New Scientist - Online News (2009-7-31 3:00) |
Thanks to more precise fishing methods, quotas and new marine reserves, some fisheries are on the rebound– but it's by no means all good news, finds a worldwide survey
Centuries-old sketches solve sunspot mystery from New Scientist - Online News (2009-7-31 1:44) |
A fresh look at sunspot drawings made in the 1700s reveals flawed assumptions behind some solar activity predictions
Glass leaf 'sweats' to generate electricity from New Scientist - Online News (2009-7-30 23:13) |
Artificial photosynthesis has yet to be cracked, but engineers say that synthetic leaves could be turned into power plants using transpiration instead
Alaska's biggest tundra fire sparks climate warning from New Scientist - Online News (2009-7-30 21:49) |
A charred region of the Arctic is pumping large amounts of CO 2 into the atmosphere, finds an ecological assessment
[ニュース] 「第7回わんだほーろぼっとか〜にばる」開催〜なつやすみ、はじめてのわんだほー観戦記 from Robot Watch (2009-7-30 20:54) |
[ニュース] 二足歩行ロボットサッカーイベント「ダイキカップ」レポート from Robot Watch (2009-7-30 19:40) |
Mining company abandons orang-utan airlift from New Scientist - Online News (2009-7-30 19:35) |
An Anglo-Australian company has called off plans to airlift 48 Indonesian apes to a new reserve, but that could be good news
[ニュース] JAXA相模原キャンパス一般公開レポート〜「はやぶさ2」は衝突機を追加した2機構成に from Robot Watch (2009-7-30 14:07) |
米MS 検索王者に反撃 ヤフーと包括提携 from フジサンケイ ビジネスアイ - 総合ニュース (2009-7-30 9:02) |
野村「道半ば」の黒字化 カギ握るリーマン買収効果 from フジサンケイ ビジネスアイ - 総合ニュース (2009-7-30 9:01) |