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お盆高速1000円 きょうから割引 from フジサンケイ ビジネスアイ - 総合ニュース (2009-8-6 8:11) |
Destruction of Martian methane may be bad news for life from New Scientist - Online News (2009-8-6 5:31) |
Methane is destroyed 600 times faster on Mars than it is on Earth, new calculations suggest– whatever is responsible may be wiping out other organic molecules too
Opinion: Do you believe in miracles? from New Scientist - Online News (2009-8-6 2:00) |
Miracles are heresy in a scientific age, and prominent thinkers have railed against them– but what if their arguments don't stack up, asks Hugh McLachlan
Found: A pocket guide to prehistoric Spain from New Scientist - Online News (2009-8-6 2:00) |
Engravings on a 14,000-year-old chunk of rock may be the oldest map in western Europe
Doubts over stem cell images prompt new inquiry from New Scientist - Online News (2009-8-6 2:00) |
A US university launches yet another inquiry into research after New Scientist raises further concerns about papers that seem to contain duplicated and manipulated images
Moon may reveal elusive cosmic neutrinos from New Scientist - Online News (2009-8-6 0:50) |
Astronomers are watching the moon to glimpse the first evidence of extremely energetic neutrinos
Moon used as giant particle detector from New Scientist - Online News (2009-8-6 0:50) |
A growing number of astronomers are observing the moon to glimpse the first evidence of extremely energetic neutrinos
Race is on to evolve the ultimate Mario from New Scientist - Online News (2009-8-5 23:36) |
Programmers have been challenged to build an artificial intelligence that learns how to master a version of Super Mario Bros.
Ancient bones show earliest 'human' infection from New Scientist - Online News (2009-8-5 20:15) |
Telltale damage to 2-million-year-old bones provides the earliest evidence for infectious disease in a hominin
[ニュース] テクノロード、ロボット用マイコンボード「Coron」発表 from Robot Watch (2009-8-5 18:31) |