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日航争奪 デルタに対抗 アメリカン、BAと連携検討  from フジサンケイ ビジネスアイ - 総合ニュース  (2009-9-19 7:04) 

25%削減 学者集め理論武装 環境省、経済界説得へ  from フジサンケイ ビジネスアイ - 総合ニュース  (2009-9-19 7:04) 

郵政社長後任「人選は私の仕事」 亀井静香・郵政改革相  from フジサンケイ ビジネスアイ - 総合ニュース  (2009-9-19 7:04) 

暫定税率廃止は環境税への布石 藤井裕久・財務相  from フジサンケイ ビジネスアイ - 総合ニュース  (2009-9-19 7:03) 

Today on New Scientist: 18 September 2009  from New Scientist - Online News  (2009-9-19 2:00) 
Today's stories on newscientist.com, at a glance? including how to track your trash, the coldest place in the solar system, and the mystery of the bee's waggle dance
Trash trackers: The secret life of garbage  from New Scientist - Online News  (2009-9-19 1:21) 
People fill their trash cans one day, and it's all gone the next? but no one can be sure where it goes. A pioneering experiment will find out
Moon is coldest known place in the solar system  from New Scientist - Online News  (2009-9-19 1:02) 
Permanently shadowed craters near the moon's south pole stay at a bone-chilling -240°C, new observations show– that's 10°C colder than Pluto
Better world: Pimp your house  from New Scientist - Online News  (2009-9-18 23:27) 
Our homes account for around a third of our carbon emissions, so every eco-warrior should try to make their pad a low-emission one
This week's top stories [18 September 2009]  from New Scientist - Online News  (2009-9-18 22:00) 
Our top articles ranked by reader popularity. Better world: Legalise drugs Better world: Take Friday off… forever Better world: Find out if we can cool the planet Mock lunar landers set to compete for $1 million prize Plot and graphics not paramount in videogame success Today on New Scientist: 11 September 2009 Smart implants may alleviate neurological conditions Better world: Redefine the bottom line Creation: being made to feel Darwin's anguish Airborne laser ready for flight tests
[ニュース] エンジニアアワード2009「ヴイストン Beautoロボコングランプリ東京大会」レポート〜白熱した勝  from Robot Watch  (2009-9-18 21:34) 

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