Slim, warm superconductors promise faster electronics
from New Scientist - Online News
(2009-10-30 3:19)
Some physicists said it would never happen, but an atom-thick layer is enough for high-temperature superconductivity
Autoimmune disease cells harnessed to fight cancer
from New Scientist - Online News
(2009-10-30 3:14)
Cells that attack healthy tissue can have devastating consequences, but soon their formidable powers might be used for good
Today on New Scientist: 29 October 2009
from New Scientist - Online News
(2009-10-30 3:00)
Today's stories on, at a glance, including: the secret history of swine flu, why the ultimate jukebox is the next step in net music, and why three buses always come along at once
'Right to dry' could wean Americans off consumption
from New Scientist - Online News
(2009-10-30 2:30)
It's time to put an end to crazy laws that mean millions of Americans use energy-hungry tumble dryers rather than a clothes line, says Alexander Lee
Why three buses come at once, and how to avoid it
from New Scientist - Online News
(2009-10-30 2:15)
The clumping of commuter buses and trains could be avoided with a dash of meanness from operators and a bit of patience from passengers
Why three buses come at once, and how to avoid it
from New Scientist - Online News
(2009-10-30 2:15)
The clumping of commuter buses and trains could be avoided with a dash of meanness from operators and some small sacrifices from passengers
China outperforms US on green issues
from New Scientist - Online News
(2009-10-30 1:02)
The country is doing more to tackle climate change than it gets credit for: in fact, it beats the US in some key environmental measures
Timeline: The secret history of swine flu
from New Scientist - Online News
(2009-10-30 0:26)
Six months ago, swine flu emerged as a massive threat to global health. It seemed to come out of nowhere, but our timeline explains how the origins of the H1N1 pandemic go back more than a century
[コラム] 通りすがりのロボットウォッチャー家をロボット化するには
from Robot Watch
(2009-10-30 0:00)
Genome firm finds gene for sneeze, but no diseases yet
from New Scientist - Online News
(2009-10-29 22:39)
A genome-scanning firm has identified some quirky genetic variants, but what about the more serious hunt for genes that make us susceptible to disease?