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Microbes' globe-trotting has made them less diverse from New Scientist - Online News (2009-11-2 23:14) |
The way microbes disperse via wind and dust storms means that the number of unique species may be smaller than expected
Long-range Taser raises fears of shock and injury from New Scientist - Online News (2009-11-2 20:24) |
The Pentagon wants a projectile that can be fired from a grenade launcher to incapacitate someone with an electric shock? can it be safe?
Clever fools: Why a high IQ doesn't mean you're smart from New Scientist - Online News (2009-11-2 20:20) |
IQ measures the brightness of our mental searchlight. But where we point it also matters
[ニュース] 宇宙ステーション補給機「HTV」が再突入、ミッション完了〜虎野プロマネは「エクストラサクセス from Robot Watch (2009-11-2 19:32) |
[ニュース] 「第16回ROBO-ONE in 富山」レポート【決勝編+宇宙大会選抜競技編】 from Robot Watch (2009-11-2 19:29) |
Old drugs reveal surprising new tricks from New Scientist - Online News (2009-11-2 19:24) |
Comparing the behaviour of different drug molecules may help prevent harmful side effects of new drugs and point to new uses for old ones
Theme-park dummy trick becomes teleconference tool from New Scientist - Online News (2009-11-2 18:30) |
Projecting a face onto an animatronic dummy allows a person to seem present to people far away through speech, expression and gestures
【デフレの罠】(上)「安売り戦」谷底への道 迫る足音 from フジサンケイ ビジネスアイ - 総合ニュース (2009-11-2 7:57) |
「大人」刺激 大ヒット狙え レコード12社 共同キャンペーン from フジサンケイ ビジネスアイ - 総合ニュース (2009-11-2 7:57) |
AD: 21日前迄のご予約で料金が最大20%オフ。ヒルトン・ホテルズ from フジサンケイ ビジネスアイ - 総合ニュース (2009-11-2 7:56) |
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