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Head-mounted microscope sees brain beneath the skull from New Scientist - Online News (2009-11-9 23:45) |
A microscope fitted to rats' heads watched the animals' brains in action as they roved freely
Breath of fresh air transforms stem cells from New Scientist - Online News (2009-11-9 23:32) |
Specialised lung tissue has been created by exposing stem cells to the open air
Stop selling out science to commerce from New Scientist - Online News (2009-11-9 23:08) |
Corporate might and commercial pressures are undermining research. It's time for scientists to blow the whistle, say Stuart Parkinson and Chris Langley
[ニュース] 坂本元氏、産業技術短期大学で講演〜「夢はガンダム」、来年1月に2mロボットがオペラ出演 from Robot Watch (2009-11-9 21:39) |
Gizmos allow artists to 'feel' their creations from New Scientist - Online News (2009-11-9 20:57) |
Artists are leaving keyboards and mice behind to work more intuitively with touch screens, input devices with physical feedback and air-drawing
Extraterrestrial rafting: Hunting off-world sea life from New Scientist - Online News (2009-11-9 19:46) |
Do the moons of Jupiter and Saturn harbour life in their chilly oceans? A flotilla of space probes is being lined up to haul anchor and find out
[ニュース] 国立科学博物館、「発見! 体験! 先端研究@上野の山シリーズ 大学サイエンスフェスタ」開催〜12 from Robot Watch (2009-11-9 19:38) |
Spy-in-the-cab could improve teenage driving from New Scientist - Online News (2009-11-8 21:00) |
Novice drivers are responsible for a disproportionate number of accidents? now an in-car warning system has cut incidents of reckless driving by half
Evidence recovered from dirty DNA samples from New Scientist - Online News (2009-11-8 20:00) |
Contaminated DNA that would normally be written off can now provide evidence, thanks to amplification enzymes that tolerate pollution
Why did our species survive the Neanderthals? from New Scientist - Online News (2009-11-8 19:00) |
According to Clive Finlayson in The Humans Who Went Extinct , we were just lucky