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Wmの憂鬱、RNA編集技術にも厳しい競争、これが日米の優劣だ【日経バイオテクONLINE Vol.2531】  from 日経バイオテクONLINE  (2016-9-29 8:00) 
 ゲノム編集技術の進展も目を見張るものがあります。DNAの編集だけでなく、RNAを編集する技術突破も、米国のゲノム編集技術開発競争の焦点となって参りました。米国では猛烈な競争の真っ最中ですが、これで驚いてはなりません。実は、RNAの編集技術に関しては我が国が先行しています。このメールでも第4世代のゲノム編集技術として既に紹介しており、我が国政府の大型プロジェクト予算(NEDO)にも取り上げられました。ここに来てにわかに国際的に注目されたRNAの編集技術に焦点を再び当てます。ひょっとしたら高感度のmRNAやmiRNAなどの診断薬開発にも繋がる可能性が出てきました。 ◎参考記事 第4世代のゲノム編集技術が招く新世界 https://bio.nikkeibp.co.jp/atclwm/column/16/06/15/00064/?ST=wm  ここからは申し訳ありませんが有料で全文をお楽しみ願います。Wmの憂鬱Premiumサイト( https://bio.nikkeibp.co.jp/wm/ )からならお得な料金(個人カード払い限定、月間500円で読み放題)で購読いただけます。以前のバックナンバーもまとめてお読みいただけます。 ※日経バイオテクONLINEの読者は、日経バイオテクONLINEのサイトから記事にアクセス願います。
Our home spiral arm in the Milky Way is less wimpy than thought  from New Scientist - News  (2016-9-29 3:00) 
A new map of the spirals that make up our home galaxy shows that rather than being a dim backwater, the arm that hosts the solar system is just as spectacular as the others
Ancient bee fossil reveals secrets of human ancestor’s habitat  from New Scientist - News  (2016-9-29 3:00) 
A fossilised bee’s nest found near a revolutionary early human fossil can tell us more about the habitat the hominin lived in and how it got preserved
Bouncy bone can be 3D-printed to become a universal repair kit  from New Scientist - News  (2016-9-29 3:00) 
Cheap and easy to make into any shape, "hyperelastic bone" could repair any kind of bone, from fractures to facial reconstruction
Budgies reveal the rule that means birds never collide in flight  from New Scientist - News  (2016-9-29 3:00) 
Birds have a trick for avoiding head-on collisions? now we know what it is, we could teach autonomous drones to do the same
Childhood poverty can be a life sentence? we must act  from New Scientist - News  (2016-9-29 3:00) 
The science tells a clear story. Politicians now have a duty to do something other than pay lip service to the problem
‘I felt like such a slave’: Why one man gave up porn for good  from New Scientist - News  (2016-9-29 3:00) 
Anti-pornography campaigner Alexander Rhodes, founder of "porn addiction" site NoFap, says "we want people to make educated decisions about how to use their genitals"
Cave fires and rhino skull used in Neanderthal burial rituals  from New Scientist - News  (2016-9-29 3:00) 
The remains of fires encircling the grave of a Neanderthal toddler contain animal horns and a rhino skull that seem to have been placed there in a funerary ritual
Camera spots your hidden prejudices from your body language  from New Scientist - News  (2016-9-29 3:00) 
A computer scrutinised people's behaviour for signs of hidden biases and may help psychologists study interactions between people
Uber and Google race against car firms to map the world's cities  from New Scientist - News  (2016-9-29 3:00) 
Big tech firms are competing with traditional car companies like Ford to map our world in the detail required to get driverless cars on the road

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