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Two million urged to evacuate as hurricane Matthew approaches US from New Scientist - News (2016-10-6 19:51) |
The hurricane is expected to gather extra strength ahead of making landfall along the east coast of the US this week
厚労省、「オプジーボ」の使用ガイドライン実効性確保で通知発出へ from 日経バイオテクONLINE (2016-10-6 11:56) |
厚労省、臨時で「オプジーボ」の薬価引き下げへ from 日経バイオテクONLINE (2016-10-6 11:33) |
日経デジタルヘルスより、東大病院、NASH治療アプリの臨床研究を開始 from 日経バイオテクONLINE (2016-10-6 10:31) |
東京大学医学部附属病院 消化器内科は、非アルコール性脂肪肝炎(NASH)専用の治療アプリ臨床研究を開始した。同アプリは、ベンチャー企業のキュア・アップと共同開発したもの。
Male fertility treatment seems to pass infertility on to sons from New Scientist - News (2016-10-6 8:05) |
A study of some of the first children conceived using the ICSI technique suggests that, as adults, they have lower sperm counts than boys conceived naturally
Wmの憂鬱、ノーベル賞受賞の陰で進む大学の研究力崩壊【日経バイオテクONLINE Vol.2536】 from 日経バイオテクONLINE (2016-10-6 8:00) |
ここからは申し訳ありませんが有料で全文をお楽しみ願います。Wmの憂鬱Premiumサイト( https://bio.nikkeibp.co.jp/wm/ )からならお得な料金(個人カード払い限定、月間500円で読み放題)で購読いただけます。以前のバックナンバーもまとめてお読みいただけます。
Thousands of animals flock to annual party hosted by starlings from New Scientist - News (2016-10-6 3:00) |
A seasonal bounty of food brings together an unusual menagerie of species all gathering under the trees where starlings nest in tropical Australia
Politicians may push up violent crime by getting tough on it from New Scientist - News (2016-10-6 3:00) |
Areas with more women than men paradoxically see more violent crime, so putting more men in jail could fuel the fire law-makers are trying to put out
Some languages die? get over it from New Scientist - News (2016-10-6 3:00) |
Perhaps rather than mourning the loss of little-used languages, we should embrace changes that help people communicate more widely
North Korea’s nukes are nearly ready for launch. Now what? from New Scientist - News (2016-10-6 3:00) |
Kim Jong-un may soon be able to hit his neighbours, and even the continental US, with Hiroshima-sized nuclear weapons. It’s time to make sure he doesn’t hit the button