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RSS/ATOM 記事 (66398)

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カゴメ、通信販売で新ビジネス「農園応援」を開始  from 日経バイオテクONLINE  (2016-10-19 0:00) 
厚労行政を斬る、Companion DiagnosticsからComplementary Diagnosticsへ  from 日経バイオテクONLINE  (2016-10-19 0:00) 
‘I had a mail-order abortion’: The women forced to go it alone  from New Scientist - News  (2016-10-18 22:18) 
Many Irish women travel to England for abortions but sometimes this is not practical. One woman tells us how a website made it possible
Security agencies collected data unlawfully, UK court rules  from New Scientist - News  (2016-10-18 21:31) 
Tribunal finds secret?collection and use of confidential personal information by GCHQ, MI5 and MI6 breached privacy laws for more than a decade
Get ready for ESA’s white-knuckle descent to the Red Planet  from New Scientist - News  (2016-10-18 21:08) 
Europe's latest attempt to land on Mars will be a nail-biting, nerve-wracking ride, says Mark Sims, who led its first touchdown on the Red Planet
Space is full of gigantic holes that are bigger than we expected  from New Scientist - News  (2016-10-18 19:09) 
The universe is full of eerie, empty voids that are bigger than we ever expected? and could help unravel the cosmos's deepest mysteries
Toddler stars’baby fat kicks out almost all their exoplanets  from New Scientist - News  (2016-10-18 18:45) 
The Kepler space telescope has found more singleton planets than expected. A new explanation blames young stars for tossing planets out in a tantrum
UK government taken to court over failure to cut air pollution  from New Scientist - News  (2016-10-18 18:01) 
Campaign group ClientEarth has asked the British High Court to make the government do more to restrain nitrogen dioxide levels in cities
Anti-inflammatory drugs can relieve symptoms of depression  from New Scientist - News  (2016-10-18 17:00) 
An analysis of 20 studies suggests that anti-cytokine drugs could help people with depression? especially those who don’t respond to antidepressants
Dr House goes digital as IBM’s Watson diagnoses rare diseases  from New Scientist - News  (2016-10-18 13:01) 
Doctors will use Watson as a diagnostic tool after finding it could match symptoms with potential rare diseases as well as a human? but faster

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