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Taj Mahal’s staining blamed partly on burning of household waste  from New Scientist - News  (2016-10-27 23:00) 
Lack of domestic waste collection in parts of Agra, India, has knock-on effects for air pollution, health and the appearance of a world-famous monument
Soft robot with a mouth and gut can forage for its own food  from New Scientist - News  (2016-10-27 21:12) 
The robot slurps biomatter from its environment to be entirely self-sufficient, and could one day be used in aquatic applications such as ocean clean-up
Physics tweak solves five of the biggest problems in one go  from New Scientist - News  (2016-10-27 17:00) 
Adding six particles to the standard model of particle physics explains dark matter, neutrino oscillations, baryogenesis, inflation and the strong CP problem
Invading giant geckos get stuck on a single building  from New Scientist - News  (2016-10-27 16:00) 
Foot-fouling grime restricts interloping geckos on a small island, while native lizards curl their toes and use their claws to dash up dusty surfaces
Dusty feet keep invading geckos trapped on building  from New Scientist - News  (2016-10-27 16:00) 
Foot-fouling grime restricts interloping geckos on a small island, while native lizards curl their toes and use their claws to dash up dusty surfaces
初の漢方植物ゲノム、ゲノム編集とエピゲノム育種、NGSで微生物生態学が躍進【GreenInnovation Vol.318】  from 日経バイオテクONLINE  (2016-10-27 10:00) 
Wildlife numbers more than halve since 1970s in mass extinction  from New Scientist - News  (2016-10-27 8:01) 
Mammals, birds, fish, amphibians and reptiles from around the world have seen 58 per cent fall in population - with the 2 per cent drop in numbers a year continuing
Wmの憂鬱、補正予算550億円でAMEDが仕掛ける産学連携の正体【日経バイオテクONLINE Vol.2550】  from 日経バイオテクONLINE  (2016-10-27 8:00) 
 マイナス金利まで実施しているのに低迷する日本経済を立て直す(本当はまあ維持程度)ために、我が国の政府は一本調子の財政出動です。2016年度の補正予算での大判振る舞いです。しかし、無駄遣いだけというわけでもありません。私が注目したのは、国立研究開発法人日本医療研究開発機構(AMED)への補正予算です。AMEDの予算は総額で1528億円(2017年度概算要求額)、今回の補正予算では先端医療への投入は653億円(この数字は700億円という説もあります)。内、550億円が貸付金という異例の資金投入です。AMEDはこれを利用して、新たな産学連携を仕掛けようとしていました。学者の遊びのトランスレーショナルサイエンスの資金提供機関から逸脱し、AMEDが本気で企業化というメカニズムで、我が国のアカデミアの知恵を社会に還元しようという真摯な一手です。もちろん背景には、我が国政府の窮乏化があります。プライドを投げ捨てて、民間資金を先端医療の人材育成や研究開発に導入せざるを得ないところまで追い詰められています。しかし、これも悪いことではありません。やっと官民が上下関係なく、協力できる素地が生まれたということです。本日は我が国の研究インフラ ...
Our Ice Age ancestors skinned cave lions to make roofs for huts  from New Scientist - News  (2016-10-27 3:00) 
Cave lion bones found near prehistoric huts in the La Garma cave in Spain show evidence of being skinned for fur, which the early humans seem to have used as roofs
Man or mouse? Why drug research has taken the wrong turning  from New Scientist - News  (2016-10-27 3:00) 
Drug research has got so hooked on working with genetically modified animals that it has lost touch with human disease

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