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Ebola rapidly evolves to be more transmissible and deadlier from New Scientist - News (2016-11-4 1:00) |
The last Ebola epidemic was the worst ever. But it seems the virus?quickly learns to spread more readily, which may make the next outbreak even harder to stop
Could Facebook posts skew your life? It’s already happening from New Scientist - News (2016-11-4 0:47) |
An insurance firm has pulled plans to set premiums based on customers' Facebook activity, but the basic idea is not going away, says Aviva Rutkin
日東電工、季節性インフルワクチン舌下錠のフェーズIを開始 from 日経バイオテクONLINE (2016-11-4 0:06) |
豪Novogen社と米Genentech社、PI3K阻害薬のライセンス契約を締結 from 日経バイオテクONLINE (2016-11-4 0:00) |
みらか新社長の竹内氏、「手薄だった基礎研究を強化する」 from 日経バイオテクONLINE (2016-11-4 0:00) |
富士フイルムが和光純薬工業を買収へ from 日経バイオテクONLINE (2016-11-4 0:00) |
As US election looms, time is ripe for a new science of polling from New Scientist - News (2016-11-3 23:39) |
Growing scepticism about traditional methods for predicting election outcomes is fuelling a search for a more scientific approach to polling, says Vuk Vukovic
Pasta spirals link neutron stars and the machinery of your cells from New Scientist - News (2016-11-3 23:07) |
A balancing act between forces forms similar structures inside cells and dense stellar corpses, suggesting links between astrophysics and life on Earth
World is set to warm 3.4°C by 2100 even with Paris climate deal from New Scientist - News (2016-11-3 20:31) |
Without swift reductions in emissions we’re set to warm the planet much more than safe levels and way beyond what nations have agreed through UN’s climate deal
Bees collect honeydew from bugs before spring blossoms arrive from New Scientist - News (2016-11-3 17:00) |
In the absence of nectar, bees get by on the sweet secretions of other insects? but they still need flowers for their protein-laden pollen