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Trials planned for GM superwheat that boosts harvest by 20% from New Scientist - News (2016-11-4 20:30) |
Biologists are applying to carry out UK field trials of a genetically modified wheat that has performed stunningly well in greenhouse trials
Mickey Mouse ears may explain universe’s biggest explosions from New Scientist - News (2016-11-4 20:24) |
About a third of supernova remnants have bulging protuberances called "ears" - and these cute features could be key to understanding how supernovae are detonated
Face electrodes let you taste and chew in virtual reality from New Scientist - News (2016-11-4 19:56) |
Electronics that stimulate your sense of taste and texture mean you can taste and chew without any food? or give real dishes more bite
日本ハム、アスリート評価イミダゾールジペプチドの総合情報サイトを開所 from 日経バイオテクONLINE (2016-11-4 18:00) |
やっと1号目が出た厚労省の再生医療の提供停止命令【日経バイオテクONLINE Vol.2555】 from 日経バイオテクONLINE (2016-11-4 8:00) |
JCRファーマ、表皮水疱症を対象とする医師主導臨床試験に協力 from 日経バイオテクONLINE (2016-11-4 6:00) |
Every 50 cigarettes smoked cause one DNA mutation per lung cell from New Scientist - News (2016-11-4 3:00) |
We can now precisely count how many cancer-related DNA mutations accumulate in smokers’ organs over time
国がん、理研など、喫煙による遺伝子異常を同定 from 日経バイオテクONLINE (2016-11-4 3:00) |
Binge-watching videos teaches computers to recognise sounds from New Scientist - News (2016-11-4 2:27) |
A computer model watched over two million internet videos and can now accurately identify?noises such as door knocks, dog barks, snoring and toilet flushes
China’s Long March 5 heavy-lift rocket takes first flight from New Scientist - News (2016-11-4 1:15) |
The Long March 5 heavy-lift rocket blasted off from China's southern coast at 8:43 pm Beijing time, marking another milestone on the nation's road to building its own space station