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大隅栄誉教授、「当時が今の研究環境だったらノーベル賞取れなかった」 from 日経バイオテクONLINE (2016-11-10 0:00) |
An excess of honour could help explain the appeal of Trump from New Scientist - News (2016-11-9 23:00) |
The same culture that drives honour killings in Pakistan and elsewhere could be a powerful but hidden factor in US politics?
Trump could land fatal blow to the fight against climate change from New Scientist - News (2016-11-9 21:18) |
A Donald Trump presidency is poised to disrupt the fight against climate change in a way that threatens to snuff out all hope, warns Matthew Nisbet
Islands in the sky used as Noah’s ark for threatened plants from New Scientist - News (2016-11-9 21:00) |
An experiment in Melbourne, Australia, shows that the recent vogue for rooftop gardens could have real ecological benefits
キョーリン製薬、「特許切れで厳しい状況だが新薬の開発で成長する」 from 日経バイオテクONLINE (2016-11-9 10:48) |
Speedy bat flies at 160km/h, smashing bird speed record from New Scientist - News (2016-11-9 9:01) |
Brazilian free-tailed bats may have snatched the title for the fastest muscle-powered flight outpacing even the record-holding common swift
【日経バイオテクONLINE Vol.2558】、10年後の創薬は何が主流になるか from 日経バイオテクONLINE (2016-11-9 8:00) |
飯島歩の特許の部屋(第3回)、倫理と発明 from 日経バイオテクONLINE (2016-11-9 6:00) |
Humans have purged the bad genes from our Neanderthal hook-ups from New Scientist - News (2016-11-9 4:01) |
Early modern humans interbred with Neanderthals, but thanks to our bigger population evolution has purged out many of the deleterious genes we acquired this way
日経デジタルヘルスより、ジーンクエスト代表が語る「アジアトップ企業への道」 from 日経バイオテクONLINE (2016-11-9 4:00) |
一般消費者向け(DTC)遺伝子解析サービスを手掛けるジーンクエスト 代表取締役の高橋祥子氏は、2016年10月29日に東京都内で開催された「第22回 国際個別化医療学会学術集会」に登壇。「パーソナルゲノムサービスの現状と将来展望」と題し、DTC遺伝子解析サービスの現状と未来、同社の取り組みについて講演した。