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RSS/ATOM 記事 (66398)

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I watched a rover search for ancient life on Mars? I mean, Utah  from New Scientist - News  (2016-11-10 2:58) 
The UK Space Agency is test-driving the hunt for life on Mars by remotely operating a rover in the US and beaming back data from its search
A new world order is defying the science of polling?what now?  from New Scientist - News  (2016-11-10 2:16) 
Pollsters who said a Trump victory and Brexit were unlikely need to start counting the voices of newly engaged voters
Tiny fingertip camera helps blind people read without braille  from New Scientist - News  (2016-11-10 2:11) 
Nicknamed HandSight, the wearable device uses a tiny camera worn on the fingertip to translate text to speech as users hover over words on a page
Evidence of‘shaken baby’questioned by controversial study  from New Scientist - News  (2016-11-10 1:45) 
A review has determined that a trio of head injuries that have played a crucial role in securing convictions in court aren’t always evidence of child abuse
Inside the weirdly calming world of farming and truck simulators  from New Scientist - News  (2016-11-10 1:32) 
Farming Simulator 17 is the latest game in a series that has an army of dedicated fans who play it to help them relax
President Trump means we can’t escape a dangerously warmer world  from New Scientist - News  (2016-11-10 0:42) 
Whatever other countries say, the tenuous Paris climate change agreement has been dealt a very serious blow
A pause in growth rate of atmospheric CO2 is over? here’s why  from New Scientist - News  (2016-11-10 0:39) 
Confused by headlines about a pause in carbon dioxide growth? This is?what’s really going on
エーザイ、BACE阻害薬であるE2609のフェーズIIIを開始  from 日経バイオテクONLINE  (2016-11-10 0:01) 
ヘリオス、iPS細胞用いて器官芽作製する技術の再許諾を武田薬品に供与  from 日経バイオテクONLINE  (2016-11-10 0:00) 
Biogen社、SMA対象の核酸医薬のフェーズIIIで主要評価項目達成  from 日経バイオテクONLINE  (2016-11-10 0:00) 
 米Biogen社と米Ionis Pharmaceuticalsは2016年11月7日、両社が脊髄性筋萎縮症(SMA)の適応で共同開発中のアンチセンス薬「SPINRAZA」(nusinersen)が、遅発型(2型)SMA患者を対象とするフェーズIII(CHERISH)の中間解析で主要評価項目を達成したと発表した。乳児期発症型(1型)SMA患者を対象とするフェーズIII(ENDEAR)の主要評価項目達成は既に報告しており、幅広い患者に適応可能とするデータが強化された。Biogen社は2016年末、または2017年第1四半期には米国で発売する意向。

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