from 日経バイオテクONLINE
(2016-11-21 0:00)
from 日経バイオテクONLINE
(2016-11-21 0:00)
大塚製薬は現在、米Proteus Digital Health社と共同で開発しているデジタルメディスンについて、現在追加でデータを集める準備を進めており、2017年にも再申請をすることが明らかになった。2016年11月18日、日本薬剤疫学会学術総会で、米子会社の大塚ファーマシューティカル D&C社の倉橋伸幸副社長が報告した。
First ever lightning-mapping satellite set for take off
from New Scientist - News
(2016-11-19 4:53)
The US's latest weather satellite, due to launch 19 November, will be the first to watch lightning continuously, as well as monitor the sun and space weather
Are the US and China heading for a gene-editing‘space race’?
from New Scientist - News
(2016-11-19 2:46)
News that researchers in China have become the first to trial the CRISPR technique in humans could see the US relax rules to keep up, says Sally Adee
Crowdsourced prime number could help solve a 50-year-old problem
from New Scientist - News
(2016-11-19 1:48)
A group of maths enthusiasts pooled their computer power to discover a new prime number, edging closer to a solution to the decades-old Sierpinski problem
from 日経バイオテクONLINE
(2016-11-19 0:08)
Bleached corals in the Pacific have started bouncing back
from New Scientist - News
(2016-11-18 20:45)
Small signs of recovery and arrival of new baby coral and fish have left scientists somewhat upbeat about prospects of coral recovery following major bleaching last year
Is new talk of interstellar drive too good to be true?
from New Scientist - News
(2016-11-18 19:48)
Speculation about the EM drive, a proposed fuel-free, physics-busting starship engine, is back but is it still strictly for dreamers, wonders Geraint Lewis
How can Facebook and its users burst the‘filter bubble’?
from New Scientist - News
(2016-11-18 19:48)
Social media filter bubbles have come under scrutiny following the US election. Design tweaks and new habits could help pop them and expand our views?
Girl with terminal cancer wins right to be cryogenically frozen
from New Scientist - News
(2016-11-18 19:44)
The girl, who?had a rare form of cancer, had taken legal action in the hope that she could be brought back to life?in the future