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AMEDがベンチャー支援のための新事業を開始へ  from 日経バイオテクONLINE  (2016-11-24 0:00) 
FDA、ジカウイルス感染症のマウスモデルを開発  from 日経バイオテクONLINE  (2016-11-24 0:00) 
 米食品医薬品局(FDA)は、2016年11月17日、ジカウイルス感染症のマウスモデルを新たに開発し、感染後の病態を分析してPLoS Pathogens誌電子版に2016年11月17日号に報告した。新たなマウスモデルは、ジカウイルス感染によって一部の人に症状が現れるお原因と病理の理解を促進し、ジカウイルスに対するワクチンや治療薬候補の有用性評価を容易にする可能性がある。
Sorrento子会社TNK社、腫瘍溶解性ウイルス開発中の英Virttu社を買収  from 日経バイオテクONLINE  (2016-11-24 0:00) 
 米Sorrento社の完全子会社TNK Therapeutics社は2016年11月16日、英Virttu Biologics社買収に関する契約手続きに入ったと発表した。この買収契約は両社の適正評価と他の慣例法に基づく条件を満たし完了する見込みで、TNK社はVirttu社の主要開発候補「Seprehvir」(HSV1716)を獲得する。
Gravity may have chased light in the early universe  from New Scientist - News  (2016-11-23 20:12) 
A new twist on a controversial idea suggests the speed of light varied just after the big bang - and could overturn our standard cosmological wisdom
Gravity may have chased light in the early universe  from New Scientist - News  (2016-11-23 20:12) 
A new twist on a controversial idea suggests the speed of light varied just after the big bang - and could overturn our standard cosmological wisdom
Killer bird flu has spread across Europe?are humans next?  from New Scientist - News  (2016-11-23 2:33) 
As farmers across Europe fatten up turkeys and geese for Christmas, a hybrid flu strain has killed many wild birds and invaded poultry farms. Could we be next?
Zika is no longer an emergency? it’s worse than that, says WHO  from New Scientist - News  (2016-11-23 1:54) 
The Zika virus looks like it’s here to stay. It will take years to find out the real risk of the virus and its full effects? and a vaccine is still years away
AI pilot helps US air force with tactics in simulated operations  from New Scientist - News  (2016-11-23 1:04) 
The ALPHA system was designed as a computer opponent in air combat simulations but is now working with pilots and could one day be used to fly real planes
Google’s DeepMind agrees new deal to share NHS patient data  from New Scientist - News  (2016-11-23 0:33) 
The five-year partnership will see DeepMind develop and deploy its Streams app for hospitals, but concerns remain over the amount of information being shared
New UK surveillance law may see mass data shared with Trump’s US  from New Scientist - News  (2016-11-22 22:17) 
UK intelligence services will have new powers to access swathes of our data, which could be shared with the US during a Trump presidency, warns Ray Corrigan

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