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New Zealand is the first country to wipe out invasive butterfly from New Scientist - News (2016-11-29 23:53) |
The great white butterfly is an invasive species whose caterpillars devour both crops and native plant species.? Now the country has fully eliminated it
Can nation states hit back at cyberattackers with ease? No way from New Scientist - News (2016-11-29 23:13) |
Governments need to stop claiming they can strike back at criminal gangs and state-backed hackers with pinpoint accuracy, says Paul Marks
【日経バイオテクONLINE Vol.2571】、Wmの憂鬱、新型抗ウイルス薬「アビガン」の備蓄検討がやっと始まった from 日経バイオテクONLINE (2016-11-29 8:00) |
ここからは申し訳ありませんが有料で全文をお楽しみ願います。Wmの憂鬱Premiumサイト( https://bio.nikkeibp.co.jp/wm/ )からならお得な料金(個人カード払い限定、月間500円で読み放題)で購読いただけます。以前のバックナンバーもまとめてお読みいただけます。
We may be able to tap into our memories from infancy from New Scientist - News (2016-11-29 3:27) |
Studies in rats suggest that our earliest memories may lie dormant in the brain, ready to resurface given the right triggers
AI learns to predict the future by watching 2 million videos from New Scientist - News (2016-11-29 3:00) |
A deep learning system generates the next few frames of a story based on just one image, helping it to predict the future and understand the present
Build green highways for bees to help save vital pollinators from New Scientist - News (2016-11-29 1:01) |
Habitat loss, farming and climate change are behind the loss of wild pollinators, which are crucial to three quarters of the world's crops
Moon-dust cake mix shows moon may have had water from the start from New Scientist - News (2016-11-29 1:00) |
Early moon geology recreated in the lab suggests water was there to begin with, not added later by comets
India’s grand plan to create world’s longest river set to go from New Scientist - News (2016-11-29 0:37) |
A highly ambitious and controversial project to link up the nation's rivers in a single inter-connected system is ready to start, even as environmental concerns are mounting
阪大坂口氏、「まずは関節リウマチ向けの自家細胞医薬の開発目指す」 from 日経バイオテクONLINE (2016-11-29 0:23) |
英NICE、乳癌治療薬Perjetaを推奨に転換 from 日経バイオテクONLINE (2016-11-29 0:22) |