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RSS/ATOM 記事 (66398)

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Microbes carve tiny rock homes for their barnacle chefs  from New Scientist - News  (2016-12-2 22:04) 
It's a first: barnacles provide food for the bacteria, which in turn dig out shelters for the barnacles, creating curious tear shapes on Australian rocks
Bees of the sea: Tiny crustaceans pollinate underwater plants  from New Scientist - News  (2016-12-2 21:06) 
Seagrass pollen doesn’t just ride the tides - the grains of at least one species hitchhike on undersea invertebrates?
あすか製薬、ノーベルファーマと産婦人科領域で包括的業務提携  from 日経バイオテクONLINE  (2016-12-2 10:52) 
【機能性食品 Vol.265】、初の人工細胞・生命の石碑が微生物の石碑と共に建立  from 日経バイオテクONLINE  (2016-12-2 8:00) 
【日経バイオテクONLINE Vol.2574】、業界ランキングなどデータ充実の日経バイオ年鑑2017にご期待を!  from 日経バイオテクONLINE  (2016-12-2 8:00) 
Concerns as face recognition tech used to‘identify’criminals  from New Scientist - News  (2016-12-2 2:47) 
A computer that gauges if someone has a conviction based on their photo has aroused much scepticism, but it's a reminder of the ethical dilemmas of smart tech
Buzz Aldrin evacuated from South Pole after falling ill  from New Scientist - News  (2016-12-2 2:00) 
The former astronaut was visiting Antarctica as part of a tour group when his health deteriorated
Moral consensus: a CEO should earn five times what workers get  from New Scientist - News  (2016-12-2 1:37) 
In many nations there is a universal desire for a narrower pay gap between executives and workers. No wonder the reality is so toxic, says Michael Norton
World’s highest plants discovered growing 6km above sea level  from New Scientist - News  (2016-12-2 1:27) 
Coin-sized pioneers are the highest vascular plants ever found, living at more than 6100 metres above sea level on India’s dizzying Himalayan peaks
日経デジタルヘルスより、がんのBNCT療法、ロームのSiC技術で京都に  from 日経バイオテクONLINE  (2016-12-2 0:13) 

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