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Kite Pharma社、TCR遺伝子治療に関するフェーズI開始許可を申請  from 日経バイオテクONLINE  (2017-1-6 0:00) 
 米Kite Pharma社は、2017年1月3日、米食品医薬品局(FDA)にT細胞受容体(TCR)遺伝子治療KITE-718に関するフェーズI試験の開始許可を申請したと発表した。KITE-718は、患者のリンパ球にメラノーマ関連抗原A3とA6(MAGE A3/A6)を標的とするTCR遺伝子を導入して移植する治療法だ。MAGE A3/A6は、膀胱癌、食道癌、頭頚部腫瘍、肺癌、卵巣癌といった一般的な癌に発現が見られる。
農水省の2017年度予算、「蚕業革命による新産業創出」に1億6000万円  from 日経バイオテクONLINE  (2017-1-6 0:00) 
日東紡、福島県郡山市に総合研究所を新設  from 日経バイオテクONLINE  (2017-1-6 0:00) 
Racing robot cars will help AI learn to adapt to the real world  from New Scientist - News  (2017-1-5 23:00) 
Robotic games arena challenges AIs to competitions using remote-controlled cars and drones. To win, they'll need to adapt to the unknown
China’s ivory ban is great, now for shark fins and tiger bone  from New Scientist - News  (2017-1-5 22:27) 
Beijing's ban on ivory is very welcome and could save the African elephant, but it must do the same for rhinos, pangolins and more, says Richard Schiffman
China’s ivory ban is great, now for shark fins and tiger bone  from New Scientist - News  (2017-1-5 22:27) 
Beijing's ban on ivory is very welcome and could save the African elephant, but it must do the same for rhinos, pangolins and more, says Richard Schiffman
Mars should have loads more water? so where has it all gone?  from New Scientist - News  (2017-1-5 19:00) 
We have either misunderstood what its early years were like? or it is hiding vast amounts of water beneath its surface
Computer uses facial cues to spot if people have autism  from New Scientist - News  (2017-1-5 16:00) 
Learning how people’s responses to stories vary has enabled a program to tell whether people have autism or ADHD
Living near a highway may increase dementia risk by 7 per cent  from New Scientist - News  (2017-1-5 8:30) 
Living within 50 metres of a busy road like a motorway or highway is linked to higher risk of developing dementia. Air pollution may partly be to blame
Living near a highway may increase dementia risk by 7 per cent  from New Scientist - News  (2017-1-5 8:30) 
Living within 50 metres of a busy road like a motorway or highway is linked to higher risk of developing dementia. Air pollution may partly be to blame

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