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成育医療研究センター、ES細胞から蠕動運動するミニ小腸を作製  from 日経バイオテクONLINE  (2017-1-16 0:00) 
 国立成育医療研究センター再生医療センター生殖医療研究部の阿久津英憲部長や梅澤明弘センター長、臓器移植センター笠原群生センター長らは、ヒトES細胞からミニ小腸を作製することに成功したと発表した。生体の小腸同様、蠕動(ぜんどう)運動したり、食物を吸収したり、低分子を吸収、分泌するなどの機能を持つことを確認した。成果は2017年1月12日(米国時間)にThe Journal of Clinical Investigation(JCI) insight誌に掲載された。
Gadget boom sees e-waste in Asia spike 63 per cent in 5 years  from New Scientist - News  (2017-1-15 14:15) 
A boom in gadgets and a growing middle class has contributed to a spike in e-waste in East and South-East Asia, raising environmental concerns
Carbon seen bonding with six other atoms for the first time  from New Scientist - News  (2017-1-14 6:01) 
A pyramid-shaped carbon molecule breaks one of the most basic lessons of chemistry textbooks? bonding with six other atoms instead of the typical four
Mini fire extinguishers inside lithium batteries may stop blazes  from New Scientist - News  (2017-1-14 4:00) 
A lithium-ion battery with its own mini fire extinguisher that releases its contents if it gets too hot could stop phones and laptops bursting into flames
Harvester ants farm by planting seeds to eat once they germinate  from New Scientist - News  (2017-1-14 2:22) 
The ants’ unusual trick lets them snack on seeds that are too big from them to crack. They just let the seeds crack themselves
Binary stars shred up and shove off their newborn planets  from New Scientist - News  (2017-1-14 1:48) 
There are more pairs of stars than solo stars in our galaxy, but fewer pairs host planets. Now we have an idea why: they rip them to shreds
Concussed athletes more likely to injure their legs months later  from New Scientist - News  (2017-1-14 0:17) 
After a head blow, athletes are at greater risk of knee ligament tears and ankle sprains. A study of college sportsmen suggests looser legs may be to blame
Poker AI competes to beat top players in no-limit game  from New Scientist - News  (2017-1-13 23:55) 
Artificial intelligence could be close to conquering poker, as one system takes on four top players, while another has already beaten humans, it is claimed
Press regulators need to act when scientific facts are denied  from New Scientist - News  (2017-1-13 20:50) 
Journalists do not deserve the backing of press regulators when they deny facts such as those on anthropogenic climate change, says Phillip Williamson
武田薬品、湘南研究所の研究員を300人から400人程度に削減か  from 日経バイオテクONLINE  (2017-1-13 15:30) 

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