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Woman dies from infection resistant to all available antibiotics  from New Scientist - News  (2017-1-18 4:30) 
Incurable bacterial infections are on the rise worldwide, but 90 per cent of multi-resistant infections in the US can still be beaten by at least one drug
Smartwatches know you’re getting a cold days before you feel ill  from New Scientist - News  (2017-1-18 3:00) 
After sensors alerted a researcher to Lyme disease symptoms he was unaware he had, his team have shown that smartwatches can tell if a wearer is getting ill
In an era of nationalism the net needs its freethinking champion  from New Scientist - News  (2017-1-18 1:35) 
With a rise in isolationist politics and totalitarianism, we must back the body that has quietly defended internet freedom for 10 years, says Carl Miller
「承認後には日本でのCPC設置も考える」と台湾Steminent社のChang社長  from 日経バイオテクONLINE  (2017-1-18 1:08) 
 リプロセルは2016年11月、台湾Steminent Biotherapeutics社から、同社が開発を手掛ける細胞医薬品「Stemchymal」の脊髄小脳変性症の適応に関する共同開発権および販売権を取得した。Stemchymalはヒトの脂肪細胞由来の同種異系幹細胞で、脊髄小脳変性症のほか、変形性膝関節症や糖尿病などへの効果も期待されている。Steminent社のRyan Chang社長と、技術の研究を行っているNational Yang Ming大学のOscar K Lee特聘教授に話を聞いた。
Calorie restriction diet extends life of monkeys by years  from New Scientist - News  (2017-1-18 1:00) 
Macaques on permanent diets live significantly longer? the equivalent of nine years in people. But is the detailed meal planning and loss of libido worth it?
Electronic gene control could let us plug bacteria into devices  from New Scientist - News  (2017-1-18 1:00) 
Hooking up custom-made microbes to electronics could have a host of applications in medicine and industry, such as smarter drugs and better health apps
製薬協会見で「薬価を毎年改定する医薬品の絞り込みを提言したい」  from 日経バイオテクONLINE  (2017-1-18 0:00) 
Antelope revived in Sahara years after going extinct in the wild  from New Scientist - News  (2017-1-17 20:44) 
Scimitar-horned oryx were hunted to extinction in the 1990s, but are now returning to the wild, thanks to breeding in captivity and reintroduction efforts in Chad
Don’t judge drug funding on political grounds  from New Scientist - News  (2017-1-17 18:00) 
A cash-starved health service like the NHS has to make tough decisions on drug funding? but the “worthiness” of patients shouldn’t be a factor
ウシオ電機、中国の医療機器技術開発販売会社と合弁会社設立  from 日経バイオテクONLINE  (2017-1-17 11:54) 

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