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【日経バイオテクONLINE Vol.2603】、治験保険の動向から見える製薬会社の「海外志向」 from 日経バイオテクONLINE (2017-1-20 8:00) |
先日、Chubb損害保険で治験保険など、ライフサイエンス向け商品を取り扱っている部門の方とお話をする機会がありました。同社は、スイスChubbの日本法人で、15年以上ライフサイエンスに関する保険商品を手掛けてきたFederal Insurance Companyを傘下に収めています。
Cold case: The unsolved mystery of what lit Kepler’s supernova from New Scientist - News (2017-1-20 7:03) |
In 1604, the last Milky Way supernova recorded by naked-eye observers brightened the night sky. Despite 400 years of study, we still don't know what lit the fuse
Complex life may have had a false start 2.3 billion years ago from New Scientist - News (2017-1-20 6:00) |
High levels of oceanic oxygen could?have allowed advanced, animal-like life to develop for the first time ? only to be wiped out again as oxygen vanished
Global sea ice is at lowest level ever recorded from New Scientist - News (2017-1-20 5:01) |
The area of ocean covered by floating ice is at its lowest since the satellite era began, and probably the lowest it has been for thousands of years
Curiosity finds Mars rock that may be a meteorite made from iron from New Scientist - News (2017-1-20 4:00) |
Last week, NASA’s Curiosity rover took a picture that appears to show a new iron-nickel meteorite on Mars, one of only eight that have been discovered by rovers there so far
Abortion rate halves if women have to go extra 100 miles from New Scientist - News (2017-1-20 1:00) |
A law that closed many abortion clinics in Texas has led to a drop in the rate of abortions. On average, the nearest clinic is now 80 kilometres further away
阪大の難波教授ら、クライオ電顕で骨格筋の収縮の仕組みを解明 from 日経バイオテクONLINE (2017-1-20 0:30) |
大阪大学大学院生命機能研究科の藤井高志特任助教と難波啓一教授は、骨格筋を形作るアクトミオシン複合体の立体構造を5.2オングストローム(=0.52nm)の解像度で決定して骨格筋の収縮が高速かつ高エネルギー効率である仕組みを解明した成果を、英Nature Communication誌で2017年1月9日に発表した。日本電子の電子顕微鏡を用いたクライオ電顕(cryEM)単粒子解析法の成果だ。
文科省、ライフサイエンス分野の来年度予算は829億円 from 日経バイオテクONLINE (2017-1-20 0:20) |
Agenus社、ペムブロリズマブと癌ワクチンを併用するフェーズII開始へ from 日経バイオテクONLINE (2017-1-20 0:18) |
第一三共、抗HER3抗体の抗体薬物複合体のフェーズI/IIを国内で開始 from 日経バイオテクONLINE (2017-1-20 0:06) |