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The Alzheimer’s problem: Why we are struggling to find a cure  from New Scientist - News  (2017-1-25 21:15) 
Touted breakthroughs keep coming to nothing. Are we close to a cure, or have we got the disease all wrong? The results of three trials should tell us
Hit threatening asteroids’bright spots to deflect them  from New Scientist - News  (2017-1-25 21:00) 
Paler, softer rock is the best target if we want to knock incoming asteroids off course, suggests a study of the Chelyabinsk meteor that blew up over Russia
Can IBM’s principles for taming AI win over public doubts?  from New Scientist - News  (2017-1-25 20:07) 
Technology giant IBM has unveiled key pledges to encourage us to trust in artificial intelligence. Will it work, wonders Jamais Cascio
Starting periods at a young age is linked to early menopause  from New Scientist - News  (2017-1-25 9:05) 
Girls who begin menstruating before their 12th birthday may be more likely to hit the menopause before age 40, and find it more difficult to have children
Parasite turns wasp into zombie then drills through its head  from New Scientist - News  (2017-1-25 9:01) 
It’s Russian dolls of nature’s manipulators: a wasp that fools oak trees to make it a crypt to live in is in turn made to drill a route out of the crypt by another wasp
The folds in your brain may be linked to how neurotic you are  from New Scientist - News  (2017-1-25 9:01) 
Brain scans of 500 people have revealed an association between the thickness and structure of the cortex, and how neurotic or open a person is
【日経バイオテクONLINE Vol.2606】、画像診断にもプレシジョン・メディシンがやってきた  from 日経バイオテクONLINE  (2017-1-25 8:00) 
末梢血中の遺伝子や細胞を採取し、診断する生検技術はリキッドバイオプシーとして注目されています。癌細胞は激しく変化し続けることが明らかになり、プレシジョン・メディシンを実現するためには、癌患者さんから頻回に生検を行う必要があります。リキッドバイオプシーは、癌の生物学的な特性にマッチした検査ということができます。日本でも承認されるキットが出てくるなど、今後研究が加速していきそうな気配です。 一方、米国では早くもこのリキッドバイオプシーの地位を脅かそうかという新概念(あくまで概念です)が登場しています。その名もRadiogenomicsといいます。
Smart buildings predict when critical systems are about to fail  from New Scientist - News  (2017-1-25 7:00) 
Start-ups use sensors and machine learning to do“predictive maintenance”, spotting faults in building systems like heating and air con before they crash
Foxes may confuse predators by rubbing themselves in puma scent  from New Scientist - News  (2017-1-25 6:00) 
Gray foxes in the mountains of California rub in the scent of pumas, possibly to absorb their smell and confuse predators to give themselves a chance to run
Light-speed camera snaps light’s“sonic boom”for the first time  from New Scientist - News  (2017-1-25 5:00) 
A camera system that mimics a beam of light breaking its own speed limit could find uses in everything from medical imaging to astronomy

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