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Blind people‘see’ microscope images using touch-feedback device from New Scientist - News (2017-2-3 21:56) |
People with visual impairments can find it hard to interpret scientific data. A haptic system lets you explore microscope images of blood cells using touch
Drug stops nasty chemotherapy side effects in mice with cancer from New Scientist - News (2017-2-3 21:55) |
Fatigue, nausea and organ damage? the side effects of chemo are often awful. But they may be preventable using a drug that destroys harmful, worn-out cells
New HIV infections in gay men have dropped by a third in England from New Scientist - News (2017-2-3 20:24) |
Preliminary data suggest that new HIV diagnoses at STI clinics have fallen across England. This may partly be due to people buying preventative drugs online
Have we found evidence that we live in a holographic universe? from New Scientist - News (2017-2-3 19:43) |
A new analysis has prompted claims of significant evidence having been discovered that our universe is a hologram. Is?it really, wonders Geraint Lewis
World’s most endangered marine mammal has 30 individuals left from New Scientist - News (2017-2-3 19:32) |
The vaquita porpoise lives in the Gulf of California, Mexico, where illegal fishing with gill nets has slashed the population by a total of 90 per cent in the past five years
【機能性食品 Vol.273】、機能性表示食品の新顔は今週、野菜がキーワード from 日経バイオテクONLINE (2017-2-3 8:00) |
【日経バイオテクONLINE Vol.2613】、CiRAのiPS細胞株供給停止騒動で感じた「餅は餅屋」 from 日経バイオテクONLINE (2017-2-3 8:00) |
Long-lost continent found submerged deep under Indian Ocean from New Scientist - News (2017-2-3 5:01) |
The continent of "Mauritia" sunk as it was stretched out like plasticine by the plate tectonics that drew India and Madagascar apart some 85 million years ago
Why the sound of noisy eating fills some people with rage from New Scientist - News (2017-2-3 2:00) |
People with misophonia find sounds like rustling paper or clacking keyboards deeply distressing. Now scans have revealed differences in how their brains work
Time to make sure Europe’s troubled satnav system really flies from New Scientist - News (2017-2-3 1:37) |
Europe's costly Galileo satnav network?has been branded a vanity project. In an isolationist world, it now seems a wise insurance policy, says Paul Marks