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RSS/ATOM 記事 (64914)

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Car companies avoid huge climate change payout  from New Scientist - Latest Headlines  (2007-9-19 0:59) 
A US lawsuit seeking to hold six auto makers responsible for the local impacts of climate change has been rejected by a federal judge
'Smart roofs' can keep you cool and save energy  from New Scientist - Latest Headlines  (2007-9-18 23:30) 
Why use power-hungry air conditioning when a modified roof and attic space could absorb the Sun's heat and release it again at night?
Sapphire 'quakes' hint at a law of fractures  from New Scientist - Latest Headlines  (2007-9-18 21:19) 
The way the Earth's crust cracks during an earthquake turns out to be similar to the microscopic changes in fracturing sapphire crystals
Antimatter molecule could lead to ultra-powerful laser  from New Scientist - Latest Headlines  (2007-9-18 18:58) 
An exotic molecule could one day be harnessed to create a gamma-ray laser a million times more powerful than standard lasers
Brain connections cause rethink over human memory  from New Scientist - Latest Headlines  (2007-9-18 18:03) 
Neurons aren't as interconnected as had been thought?our understanding of how the brain stores memories may have been wrong all along
[ニュース] トヨタ、時速7kmで走行する2足歩行ロボットをビデオで発表  from Robot Watch  (2007-9-18 16:01) 

[ニュース] 「ロボットミュージアム in 名古屋」が一時休館に〜ジャイロウォークが運営から撤退  from Robot Watch  (2007-9-18 14:17) 

[ニュース] Googleが「Lunar X-PRIZE」のスポンサーに〜民間資本で月を目指せ!  from Robot Watch  (2007-9-18 13:10) 

ソニーは量販店に専用ブース、松下は各地で商品体験会  from フジサンケイ ビジネスアイ - 総合ニュース  (2007-9-18 10:14) 

日本最多80社出展…独ハノーバー工作機械見本市開幕  from フジサンケイ ビジネスアイ - 総合ニュース  (2007-9-18 10:14) 

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