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RSS/ATOM 記事 (64914)

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Moon takes a backseat in new space plan  from New Scientist - Online News  (2008-11-14 5:05) 
The Planetary Society, a space advocacy group, says NASA should focus on getting astronauts to Mars and near-Earth asteroids
First images captured of alien solar system  from New Scientist - Online News  (2008-11-14 4:00) 
Two new planetary systems have been imaged in the Milky Way - one boasts three planets
Rare fossil find sheds light on evolution of women  from New Scientist - Online News  (2008-11-14 4:00) 
Pelvis of shows adaptations for a large birth canal to accommodate large-brained babies
Artificial diamonds - now available in extra large  from New Scientist - Online News  (2008-11-14 3:11) 
A team in the US has brought the world one step closer to cheap, mass-produced, perfect diamonds - with no theoretical size limit
Voice recognition software reads your brain waves  from New Scientist - Online News  (2008-11-14 3:00) 
Just by monitoring brain activity, a new program can work out who is speaking to you and what they are saying
'Elixir of youth' drug could fight HIV and ageing  from New Scientist - Online News  (2008-11-14 2:53) 
A way to rejuvenate immune cells enhances their ability to fight viruses, and could potentially slow the symptoms of ageing
[コラム] 月刊ROBOTウォッチング〜10月は異業種とのコラボレーションがいろいろ実現!  from Robot Watch  (2008-11-14 0:34) 

[ニュース] 「つくばチャレンジ2008試走会」レポート〜さらに過酷なコースに挑戦するロボットたち  from Robot Watch  (2008-11-14 0:33) 

[ニュース] NEC、「C&Cユーザーフォーラム&iEXPO 2008」を開催〜PaPeRoやロボット型FeliCa端末などが展示  from Robot Watch  (2008-11-13 16:04) 

[ニュース] IRS、サービスロボット中級安全技術者「第1回中級認定講座」の受講者募集  from Robot Watch  (2008-11-13 15:15) 

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