最終更新日 2009-9-6 17:31
大武美保子.研究の市民参加で科学技術と社会が面白くなる,2008年新春展望,Biotechnology Japan,2008.1.4.
ヒット数: 2594
最終更新日 2007-1-2 21:58
TRIZ入門―思考の法則性を使ったモノづくりの考え方 実際の設計選書 ビクター・R. フェイ (著), 畑村 洋太郎 (著), ユージン・I. リビン (著), 実際の設計研究会 (著), Victor R. Fey (原著), Eugene I. Rivin (原著) 単行本(ソフトカバー): 184 p ; サイズ(cm): 21 x 15 出版社: 日刊工業新聞社 ; ISBN: 4526041114 ; (1997/12)
ヒット数: 3910
Electroactive Polymer Gel Robots (Springer)
最終更新日 2010-2-28 0:57
Bibliography: Mihoko Otake, Electroactive Polymer Gel Robots Modelling and Control of Artificial Muscles Series: Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics, Vol. 59 1st Edition., 2009, Approx. 250 p., Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-540-23955-0
Explores fundamental methods for deformable robots consisting of electroactive polymer, a promising material for artificial muscles
Abstract: The monograph written by Mihoko Otake combines ideas from chemistry and physics, material science and engineering for the revolutionary development of the so-called gel robots. Electroactive polymers are introduced to build new types of muscular-like actuation for deformable robots. The coverage spans from modelling and design to the development, control and experimental testing. A number of methods are proposed for describing the shapes and motions of such systems. The results are demonstrated for beam-shaped gels curling around an object and starfish-shaped gel robots turning over.
Written for >> Research
Keywords >> Design of Deformable Machines - Modelling of Functional Materials - Motion Control - Polymer Gel - Shape Control
Related subjects >> Applications - Artificial Intelligence - Biomedical Engineering - Polymer Science - Robotics
Table of Contents: Introduction Part I Modelling. - Adsorption-Induced Deformation Model of Electroactive Polymer Gel. - Parameter Identification by One Point Observation. Part II Design. - Interaction-Based Design of Deformable Machines. - Spatially-Varying Electric Field Design by Planer Electrodes. - Shape Design through Geometric Variation. Part III Control. - Polarity Reversal Method for Shape Control. - Lumped-Driven Method for Motion Control. Conclusion and Future Works.
ヒット数: 4311